Volume 9: Genius

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Chapter 3

Yato Pov:

Chabashira-sensei: That's all for today

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Chabashira-sensei: That's all for today...

Chabashira-sensei said this in front of the class to immediately left the classroom...

Yato: Arg...

I then lead my head on my desk...

Yato: Another done...

Kiyo: Good job... there only remain more than 480 days of school here...

Yato: Sighs...

I just raise my head and start looking at Kiyo annoyed...He was sitting at his desk with his normal expression and I also noticed Horikita looking at me as if she was satisfied to see me like that...

Yato: You seriously trash to cheer up people huh...you know that?

Kiyo: Sorry I didn't wanted to make things worst...

Yato: Let me have some doubts...

Kiyo then receives a notification on his phone... Horikita and I started looking at him while he was looking at his phone... He probably received a message from someone, probably someone from his group of friends. The famous Ayanakoji group... 

Yato: but seriously how much ego he has to call the group by his own name?

I just start looking at Kiyo with a smirk

Yato: Hey Horikita look at this... who would have thought that the little Ayanakoji would have become the more popular of the three of us...

Horikita: Indeed... who could have believed it?

Kiyo just closed his phone and start looking at us...

Kiyo: Why do you both team up against me?

Horikita: We didn't team up...we were just fascinated by your current popularity Ayanakoji...

I was just looking at Kiyo with a smirk... I just wanted to mess with him a bit but suddenly...

Kiyo: Well in fact...

He just got up from his seat and took his bag

Kiyo: It's more you Yato who is more popular than me currently... all those people talking about what happened during the training camp!

Yato: ...

Horikita who was looking at Kiyo slowly started looking at me...

Kiyo: Oh but that's right...you were supposed to talk with Hoirkita about it huh? Well, I will leave both of you then...

Yato: Bastard...

He just started walking away and then left the classroom...I looked at him leaving but I just felt the gaze of Hoirkita on me 

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