Volume 9: New Rumors

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:

The weekend passed by and it was now Monday morning.

After getting out of the shower, I dried my hair and started dressing up in my school uniform. As soon as I finished, I walked to my desk and put the two books Hiyori lent me in my bag...

Yato: Yawns...

I just scratched the back of my head while standing in the middle of my room...

Yato: Finally nothing...

The weekend passed, and I got no news, call or any movement from this mysterious caller... I'm really disappointed...

Because it means that this person wants to stay hidden...and it only means more work for me to find him...

Yato: Sighs... I now have an X to find out huh...Poor Ryuuen...I know what he's been through now...

Tired of thinking about it already I just walked to my nightstand and took my phone...

I opened to look at the time...and surprisingly I was not late for school... no in fact I was even a bit in advance to leave for school.

Yato: Well... since I'm ready already...

I just put my phone in my pocket and walked to my desk to take my bag...

Since I was already prepared, I will start going to school now...

I just walked to my entrance and put on my shoes and left my room

As I walked out of my room, I noticed two boys entering in the elevator...

Boy: Ahhh I want to receive one! Only one, please!

Boy: Hahaha you can still dream!

I could hear them from where I was...I just started walking toward the elevator quite fast before the door started to close.

Yato: Hey...

I called them for they held the door for me but...

Boy: Ahhh because you think you have more chance than me?!

They were probably too focused on their conversation since none of them heard me and before I could reach the elevator the door closed in front of me...

Yato: Sighs...

A bit annoyed that I need to wait for the elevator to go back to my floor...

I immediately press the button to call the elevator...

Yato: These two guys seem excited...

I waited a moment until the elevator returned to my floor and the door opened...

I entered the elevator, and there was one guy and two girls...

But as soon I stepped into it I felt something odd... the mood was strange...

I took a quick glance at the guy on my left and after I looked at the board to press the button to go to the lobby...

There wasn't any sound in the elevator... Even the two girls weren't talking...

Yato: ...

I remained silent despite the strange mood and the door finally opened on the lobby floor...

I immediately got out and to my surprise again...there were many people in the lobby... Usually, people hang out here a bit after school...but in the morning before school? 

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