Volume 3: Assigned role

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

Ike: Look It is a river!! A river!! This is a possession spot, there is the mechanism to claim the sport over there! 

Hirata: This is a glorious achievement, if we can maintain the source of the river, our situation may vastly improve.

Yeah, the spot that Ike and his group have found is pretty good. You have a river close to you and the place is good to set up all the tents for we can pass the week here... 

Finally, the last group who had left to explore the island came back to the camp.

Hirata: Perfect now that everyone is here I think we can discuss about the last thing we need to settle. We need to chose who going to be the leader of the class.

Probably the most important thing for this exam, I personally don't have much interest for the exam but as I said earlier I think Horikita is the best choice for the class. If they are able to win some class points with this exam it's a great thing.

Kushida gathered everyone to discuss the topic of who will be the best leader and she was the first to give her opinion.

Kushida: I had a lot on my mind and I thought about various things but, whether one likes it or not, Hirata-kun or Karuizawa-san stand out as persons. But isn't a leader one that you could rely on and also one that has a deep sense of responsibility? I think that Horikita-san is the one that meets both conditions. How about that?

Yato: Great job Kushida!!

Student: I agree with Kushida-san's opinion. I also think that Horikita-san can be a good leader. So long as Horikita-san is okay with it too.

Everyone started to approve of this choice but Horikita don't say a word yet...

Sudo: You don't want to do it, right? Don't force her. I can do it instead.

Yato: No no no no, worst choice... Wait no Yamauchi is the worst...

Horikita was about to say something but right before she looked at me...

Yato: Fuck...

Horikita: Ok I can be the leader if you all want... But before I would like to give my opinion on who should be the leader...

Horikita: I think Fukazawa-kun is the best person for this role.

I was about to retort because I don't want to be the leader... But the god of the class talk.

Hirata: I think the same, Fukazawa-kun would be a very good leader.

Yato: Wait wait! We were all almost agreed that Horikita should be the leader, why change your mind now haha?

Horikita: I just said what I was thinking. We could make a vote on who will be the leader and If I win I will become the leader with no complaints, the same goes for you right Fukazawa-kun?

This girl... she was really serious when she thought that I will be a good leader for the class... With what she said I will be an asshole to refuse if the class vote for me... What are the odds that's I win the vote?... Kushida has proposed Horikita and Hirata thinks I would be the best person to be the leader... Kushida vs Hirata, who has the most influence in the class because this vote will greatly depend on that... Fine I will play this game, there is too much disadvantage to refuse...

Yato: Haha well if I win the vote, sure I will become the leader!

Hirata: Great thank you Fukazawa-kun. Well, now we will start a vote!

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