Volume 2: Payday

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Chapter 3

Yato pov: 

I was in my room reading a book until I receive a notification on my phone. I open it and saw...

Ishizaki [ audio recording file ]

Ishizaki [ What do you want now? ]

Good, he just send me the record of the trial. It has just ended now probably, so I have time before having to take care of the last problem for my plan.

I open the record and listen to some parts.

(A.N): {  } mean audio parts

Manabu: {Well then, I would now like to discuss the violent incident that occurred last Tuesday with the members of the student council, the involved parties, and their homeroom teachers. Hmm? Chabashira-Sensei no student is missing by your side?}

Chabashira: { Huh were you expecting someone in particular to come at this trial president? }

Manabu: { I had heard of a certain person but in the end,  the facts might be wrong. Let's continue... }

Wait I have a bad feeling about this... does he talk about me?... Does he has heard of my incident with Nagumo or has this Nagumo guy talked about me to the President... well I can't do anything about it soo I just continue to listen to the record...




???: { Hyah?! }

Wait... what??

Horkita: { W-wait. S-stop, stop! }

Yato: ????

Ayanakoji: { Get a grip on yourself, Horikita. We're going to lose at this rate. You have to fight! }

Wow, great job Ayanakoji. Horikita didn't tell a single word during all the trials probably because of her brother... But you force her to have a reaction so that she can back to her senses... Again... Ayanakoji huh?




Manabu: { That's enough. Continuing this discussion would just be a waste of time. What I've learned today is that each side has an exact opposite claim. In that case, one side is propagating an extremely malicious falsehood. }

Manabu: { I'll ask you, Class C. Have you lied to us today? }

Ishizaki: { Of...of course not! }

Manabu: { Well, what about you, Class D? }

Horikita: { I haven't lied. Everything we've said has been the truth. }

Manabu: { Then we will regroup here for a retrial tomorrow at 4:00 PM. If by then it hasn't been clearly established which party has lied, or in the event, no one admits that they were at fault, we will pass judgment based on the evidence we've collected thus far. Of course, in that case, we may have to consider the possibility of expulsion from this school. That is all. }

I close my phone because I have all that I wanted to know

Yato: Everythings goes as planned...

The trial did not give his verdict today... first, both sides claim that they are not in the wrong... and the most important things Sakura... Since she did not assert herself as a witness from the start, her testimony lost value... and she didn't have any real proof to prove her point... the only things that could have ended the trial today was my video of the incident...

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