Volume 6: Dinner

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:


I was now on the 13th floor of the dormitory in front of the room of Horikita. She asked me if I could come to her room today for a dinner... it was now 18h33. 

While I was waiting for her to open the door I look to my right and left to see if there was someone who will see me here. I was already in a relationship with Kei to the knowledge of the school... So going to another girl's room can be misinterpreted. Even more for people like Kushida who probably want my misfortune... but there was no one around so I guess I was lucky. And even if there was someone it could be early explained by the fact that Horikita wanted to talk with me about the exam... well I guess someone like Sudo will still be pissed off but anyway...

And then suddenly while I was thinking about this the door opened and I saw Horikita...

Horikita: You are late...

Yato: That's seriously the first thing you say to me?

She then opens the door fully and walks inside her room to let me in... I don't lose time and enter her room and close the door behind me. 

Seeing that I closed the door she just go back to her kitchen... well if the arrangement of the room and the same as the ones of the boys... Anyway, I just remove my shoes and walk inside her room too. 

The first thing I noticed was the smell... well the smell of the food she was preparing not...well anyway...

I don't know what food she is doing but I already know that it will be better than what I usually eat... I bought a cookbook during the summer break and I didn't even read a page... before working on my lack of cooking talent I should work on my laziness...

But aside from the food that Hoirkita was preparing I started to look around her room... Everything was according to Horikita's personality... Everything was at his place and tidy. 

Horikita: It will be ready soon Fukazawa-kun... you can sit while I finish the dinner.

I then take a look at Horikita in her kitchen while she was preparing the food... but instead of going to sit down, I decide to go look at one of her shelves where all her books were. 

Yato: Hmm she has quite a lot...

While I was looking at them there is one that caught my attention. I was about to take it from the shelf but...


A hand just lightly tap my hand before I could take the book...

Horikita: Can you not touch everything in my room?

Yato: Well I was just curious about your books...

She then stare at me for a moment until she starts walking toward the table

Horikita: Sighs... even in a girl's room you are still carefree and nonchalant... Anyway, the dinner is ready Fukazawa-kun...

I then join her at the table and look at the food on it...It was a traditional Japanese dish. It's been a while since I eat something like this...Mom usually made these types of dishes back then.

Yato: Wow I'm surprised...

I then sit in front of Horikita...

Yato: It seems great, you must be cooking for a while to be able to make this type of dish.

Horikita: I guess... I learn how to cook way before coming to this school. And since we live on our own it's important to know how to cook good dishes.

Yato: You must be right...

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