Volume 5 SS

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Asahina Nazuna: This Kouhai

Asahina: You know... you're not very smart...

Yato: Huh?

He seemed a bit surprised to hear that... Well, I wasn't trying to be mean but I must admit that his face when he is surprised is quite funny to watch...

Asahina: Haha your face right now...

Asahina: I talk about your 200-meter sprint earlier...

He then regains a more calm expression...

Yato: Yeah and what's the problem senpai?

Calm... that what I saw of him right now... I just start to look at him directly in the eye...

Asahina: Well Miyabi already had an eye on you since the incident at the start of the year... and with this race, you didn't help your case. He might be even more on your back... he really wanted you to join the student council you know?

Yato: It's just a race... I don't think that will change anything...

Indeed it was just a race... but there is still something that I did not understand... I start walking a bit closer to him while looking at him. He didn't react to the fact that a girl older than him get closer to him... I start to look at him for a while saying anything until

Asahina: You know why Miyabi wants you to join his council? He said that you remember him in his first year...

Yato: ...

Asahina: But personally I don't see any similarity in both of you...I don't think you are alike...

That's the thing with this Kouhai... Miyabi said that he wanted him to join the council but I'm a classmate of Miyabi for more than one year now. I am close to him since we were the B-Class but... I don't think they are similar. Miyabi was the leader of our class but he even quickly gain a lot of influence in all our school year. There is no one at his level in our school year... that is why he becomes obsessed with Horikita-senpai...

But Fukazawa Yato... Yes, he runs fast but... What Miyabi saw in him that I didn't? He seems calm and really disinterested in his class and this school. So if I'm right... he will...

Yato: Nothing alike huh...

I initially thought that he was to agree with me but I suddenly saw a smirk on his face...

Yato: Of course, we are not alike... I'm far better than him after all!

I had been surprised by what I just heard... My eye probably widens of surprise. I didn't say anything until...

Asahina: Hahaha wow haha...

At least he has a sense of humor... that what I was thinking until I saw that he has a serious expression... not like his nonchalant expression.

Asahina: Wait... you are not serious right now?

He just smirked and start looking at me for a moment... He didn't say any words until he turn around and start walking away...

Yato: Who knows?

With those words, he just leaves towards the school building... I remain there for a moment while thinking about all this

I start to finally understand what Miyabi was saying... the attitude of Fukazawa earlier. Does... he would be someone who can match against Miyabi?

Still a bit shocked about all this I started walking back to my tent but like if it was fate himself who send me a message I bump into someone else but this time I didn't fall... I immediately recognized who it was...

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