Volume 11: Task

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Chapter 4:

Yato Pov:

This morning the events selected by the A-Class were announced to our class. There were a few surprises such as events involving more than 10 people...but as suggested by Horikita earlier it might be fake-out events.

But when everyone was discussing about the 10 events chosen...

Personally, only one event caught my attention...


Required Participants: 1 

 Initial Time Allotted Per Person: 1 Hour (Running out of time will result in a loss) 

Rules: Standard chess rules apply. However, your allotted time will not increase before each move, even after the 40th turn. 

Commander Intervention: At any given time, the commander may give instructions to the participating player for a maximum of 30 minutes. Any time spent giving instructions will also use the corresponding participant's allotted time.

The chess game...the only event where the commander has such a major role in the rule...as if it was a duel between the two commanders.

The majority may not have noticed this detail...and if they have...not sure if people really paid attention to it.

But for me as soon I saw this rule I immediately understood the reason why Sakayanagi told me to meet her today after the announcement of the events...

Chess is not a popular game played in Japan... even if people know about this game...few people know the rules and how to play.

A person who can play chess and more important...a person who Sakayanagi herself has trained...was an obstacle for her "goal" and "dream" as she said herself...

That's why I was this obstacle for her...

Yato: But still...

There was still something that wasn't adding up for me... about all recent Sakayanagi actions...

???: Horikita may I have a moment?

Suddenly as I was in my thought, someone called Horikita's name next to me...I just started looking to my left and saw it was Keisei who was standing in front of Horikita's desk...

Horikita: No problem. What is it?

Keisei: Talking here is a little bit... well, it's about the special exam.

The class had just ended and Keisei seemed to want to talk with Horikita in private concerning the exam... I was quite curious why Keisei would want to talk with her in private.

Horikita: Is it alright if Ayanokōji-kun and Fukazawa-kun come along too?

Since Keisei wanted to talk outside the classroom...Horikita asked if Kiyo and I could accompany them.

Keisei glanced at us but before he could answer anything I just got up from my seat...

Yato: Sorry but I need to go...it will be without me...

Class ended for a moment already...Even if I was curious why Keisei wanted to talk with Horikita in private... There was someone else that I needed to meet and I had already made her wait enough...

Without waiting for an answer from Horikita I just walked out of the classroom and started to walk toward the special building where the person I was supposed to meet told me to go...

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