Volume 6: Decision

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Chapter 6

Yato Pov:

I was currently in the library. It was 21h40 and the study session was about to end. The study of Ishikawa was doing really well... I was still helping him but I don't think there was no need to worry about his results anymore...well only if he continues to study until the exam.

The exam was coming soon and the study session was about to stop too. There was just remaining a few session until the exam. From what I could observe aside from Ishikawa... is that the group of Hirata is doing a good job with their study. With Kei who keeps the girls focused on their studies instead of Hirata. I am still not sure if Hirata realizes the power he has with the girls of the class...

While I was looking around the library I heard a pencil drop on the table...

Ishikawa: Arggg...I'm finally done...

I then look in front of me to look at Ishikawa who seems exhausted...

I then just take his sheet to see what he did since the start of this study session...

After a moment I just nodded...

Yato: That's some great job...from what I saw you should be okay for the exam who coming.

Ishikawa: Yosha!

Well in fact...even if he would have just zero we would still pass the exam with my results alone.

Yato: It was one of the last study sessions...so it would be one of the last times I could help you before the exam...but even if there is no study session I think you should still work on your study...

Ishikawa: Sighs... I know... I realized that I can't be a dead weight for you and the class...

It was a great mindset that he have...I don't tell him to be at the top of the class...but to have some average results could be great and remove the stress to be in danger at every exam...

People were starting to get up from their places to start going to their rooms... I started to put things in my bag and Ishikawa did the same...

Ishikawa: Oh and yeah...

I raise my gaze to look at Ishikawa...

Ishikawa: Are you okay? You know there were a lot of rumors recently that said that you had a fight with Ryuuen and people of the C-Class...

I see, he talk about the last time when I went to give Yukimura some documents that Horikita gave me... there were a lot of people in the Cafe so it was sure that this event would spread around the school...

Yato: Hahaha don't worry about that... it was nothing...

In fact, it was true that this was nothing... there is no fight that happens or anything like that. But for how long it will remain like this? Ryuuen is closer to finding that Kiyo is the one behind Horikita...and he already knows about Kei is related to all this.

Ishikawa: I see...just be careful to not have any problem. I'm not maybe the best person for this but... if you need my help don't hesitate!

Yato: I see...well then I keep that in mind, thanks!

He then gets up from his seat and was about to leave...

Yato: don't forget Ishikawa... continue your study and doing a bit more can only be good for you...

Ishikawa: I know I know... haha! Anyway, see you later Fukazawa!

He then left with the majority of the student but I felt the gaze of someone on me but I just ignored it and get up off my place and just go back to my room...

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