Volume 8 SS

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Mashima Tomonari: The reason behind her attitude

During the afternoon of the fourth day, I was overseeing the training for the marathon in view of the final day when the last people of the group finally arrived and were about to leave...

But after taking their names...

Yato: Ahh I caught up with you guys in a minute... I just want to redo my shoelaces and verify something...

Fukazawa Yato, a student from Sae's class, remained there and said this to the two other guys from his group Miyake Akitio and Hamaguchi Tetsuya

They both looked at Fukazawa a bit puzzled until they nodded at him...

Akito: Okay sure no problem...le'ts goo Hamaguchi

Hamaguchi: Yeah... let's end this!

He really remained there and was looking at his two friends leaving...

I take a glance at his shoes only to notice that his shoelaces are perfectly fine...

As I noticed it, he started looking at me but I just started looking at the board in my hands while I wrote the names of the two students who had just left...

Yato: You do not ask why I stay here when my shoelaces are already fine?

I stop looking at the board and start looking at Fukazawa in the eyes... I have my neutral expression while he has a certain nonchalant attitude that I had the chance to notice from the start of the year.

Mashima: There are no rules that you need to run continually, Fukazawa Yato... you can stay here that's not a problem. The only problem will be if you leave without giving me your names and class...

Yato: Ahhh I see I see...that's how it is...

I couldn't help looking at him a bit intrigued and confused after this weird answer from him... but I decided just to start doing my job again...

But again...

Yato: Hey Mashima-sensei I would have a question...

Mashima: Hm?

I raise my head to look at him again...

Mashima: Well if it's a question that I can answer there should not be any problem... go ahead, what is your question Fukazawa?

Yato: I was curious about these rules about the leader...

If I'm not mistaken...

Mashima: The leader huh... You are the one in your group, right?

He just nodded...

Yato: Yeah... I was curious about the conditions regarding the right to choose someone to expel if we fall below the average score given by the school.

Mashima: I see... but if you want to know the average score of this year I can't answer... but continue.

The score was something that we kept hidden from the students... not only this year... but every year that this exam happens.

Even during our time in this school...the rule was the same...

But to my surprise, he asked me something unrelated to what I originally thought...

Yato: Oh don't worry it wasn't my question... if fact I would like to know what is exactly the conditions of the person the leader can choose to expel with him. Chabashira-sensei told us that it's not everyone who can be designated by the leader to fall with him... and if we were doing our job during the week we shouldn't have any problems. Because if the student is individually above the average score in a falling group he can't be a candidate to fall with the leader. This makes things clear but my real question is more about the other factor that can play... the criteria that if a student "SUPOSUDELY" play a role in the group falling...

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