Volume 3: End of the exam

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Chapter 9

Ayanakoji Pov:

Kushida: We must hurry up Ayanakoji-kun, Horikita-san!

After telling us that Fukazawa was probably in danger, Kushida explain to us that she had found his leader cards with some bandages close to this one.  She deduced that he probably had an accident this night and lost the leader card and then maybe he hurt himself because of the bandages. 

We were now me, Horikita, and Kushida in direction of where she had found the card of Fukazawa. We had decided to just go searching for Fukazawa the three of us and leave Sakura and Yamauchi to look for some last provision then go warn Chabashira-Sensei about this.

Ayanakoji: I just hope that leaving Yamuachi alone with Sakura was not a problem...

Horikita: You right Kushida-san, we must hurry up that's why...

Suddenly Horikita stopped running. Me and Kushida did the same to listen to what she had to say...

Horikita: It is in this direction that you found the card and the bandages, right Kushida-san?

Kushida: Yes we have to search in this area to find Fukazawa or see if we find a clue.

Horikita: Exactly that is why the best decision would be to separate us to be able to find him faster.

Horikita's idea was indeed the most logical and efficient to find him more quickly... But Kushida doesn't seem to like this idea... but before she can answer something I spoke...

Ayanakoji: Great idea Horikita, this is probably the best method. So let's meet here in about 30 minutes.

Horikita: Perfect so we'll do it like that.

As soon as she finished speaking Horikita left to search for Fukazawa. Kushida doesn't seem happy with the fact that we are going to split us...

Ayanakoji: Well I'll be going too...

Kushida: Oh yeah good luck. We need to find Fukazawa-kun after all!

I left and start running through the forest...




15 minutes later

After having covered a good distance in the forest... I started to slow down to look around...

Ayanakoji: Hmm he should be around here... Ah, there he is...

I saw Fukazawa sitting on the ground leaning on a tree... I saw traces on the ground showing that he had to crawl to go there... I approached him and saw that he was unconscious... but the most worrying was that he had some blood on his face... I looked more closely and noticed that he was probably hurt his head when he fell into the water... but that doesn't look like a serious injury and he breathed perfectly well so his life was not in danger...

Ayanakoji: Perfect if he is not seriously injured...

Well, now should I carry him alone or I wait for Horikita? Kushida is out of the question because she is responsible for this situation. I can't let her find him...

Ayanakoji: The best thing is to take him alone. I'm just going to hope to find Horikita on the way or otherwise I'll go look for her too.

I pick up Fukazawa who was sitting on the ground against the tree and put him on my back. The best is that he does not wake up right away, so I have to be careful. I won't be able to run with him on my back, he was the same height as me and it was already quite difficult to walk with him in the forest while paying attention to my surrounding...

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