Volume 10: Attitude of the First Years

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Chapter 2

March 2

Yato Pov:

The morning class had just ended and it was now dinner time.

Students slowly joined their friends before leaving for the cafeteria or another place for break time... but before they could leave there was clearly a heavy mood in the classroom...

The reason?

The special exam that Chabashira-sensei announced to us this morning... The Class Poll.

The rules are easy...

Write three names of people that you think they deserve a praise vote... and write three others' names that deserve censure votes...

The person who ends up with the more praise vote will win a new element called "Protection Points" an item that can save you from expulsion... Everyone understood the value of this reward.

But high rewards mean greater loss...

The person who ends up with the most censured vote will be expelled from this school...

So at the end of the week, this class will now have 39 students instead of 40.

But does this is really a bad thing?

Koenji had an intercalation with Sudo during the homeroom class this morning, and he claimed that this was a great opportunity for this class to think about its future of it...

But right now...no one really understands and approves this point of view... aside from me of course.

Winning a protection point by excluding an unnecessary element of this class for the future? It was the best opportunity we could ask for...

But it won't be easy for my classmates to understand this... they will be more focused on the others side of this exam... which is protecting themself.

Because even if this is an opportunity to expel someone who will be unless for this class... it doesn't necessarily mean that it will end up like that...

To protect themself, they will maybe decide to save people that they shouldn't be expulsed for the future of this class...

Horikita: Sighs...

Yato: ...

As I was thinking about all this still sitting at my desk with my feet leaning on it, I heard my neighbor sigh...

Yato: Hey it's my job to sigh in every situation...

She then started looking at me but remained silent to my joke... it seemed that this special exam had already started to affect Horikita...

It was a good thing because she will play the biggest role in this...

Well, I hope so...

It was the moment for her to shine and prove herself as the class leader of the C-Class...

Horikita: You are strangely calm after the news of this special exam...

Yato: I don't see any reason why I should be stressed...

Horikita: No reason? Look at you... you are alone right now...

Hearing this I just smirked...

She was right... I was glad that she pointed it out because it showed me that she at least understood the first basics of this exam...

People alone may end up in difficulty...

It was one of the reasons why I decided to stay in class a bit longer... Usually, I immediately left for the rooftop or somewhere else for dinner time, but today I wanted to verify something...

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