Volume 5: Last step before the sports festival

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:

We were now in Mid-September. The D-Class was doing great effort on the regular practice in anticipation of the sports festival. Sudo was now a leading figure for the class for training the students who were not sure of their physical ability... Well, Sudo still has flaws regarding pedagogy but Hirata was there to fill his gaps. 

It only remained the case of Horikita, who nobody wanted to team up with her. She still had a hard time admitting her flaws but Kiyo intervened before I had to do it. We just need to wait to see if Kiyo's actions will reach the proud person of herself who is Horikita. 

In the midst of the other classes moving onto reconnaissance, there were small movements in Class D too. To know who is good at what or who is athletic or not. That sort of information is present everywhere. The majority have already begun to realize this but there is nearly no meaning to direct reconnaissance. Just by ascertaining the degree of someone else's athleticism to one's heart's content, ultimately the key to victory lies in the combination of partners for the contests. Information alone is not worth much. Unless you know the contents of their participation table, which is the essence of it all, it won't lead to victory over the other classes. However, vice versa if we can acquire information on their participation table, it would be a great help towards defeating them. And if we can acquire both the participation table' and 'information', then our chances will rise drastically... 

But, this tactic will backfire on us. Indeed, the D-Class has a huge problem right now. This problem has a name... and it's named Kushida Kiykio. To my knowledge, she is working with Ryuuen since the desert island exam. She betrayed us by telling to Ibuki that I was the leader and finally pushed me off the top of the cliff to steal my leader cards and to make me withdraw from the exam... because of Kiyo technically but anyway. And for the VIP exam, she worked with Ryuuen again... and that's why we ended up with the first outcome for the Dragon group. I didn't talk about that with Horikita and Kiyo. I don't think Horikita realized that Kushida is probably the reason for this outcome but for Kiyo I think I can assume that he ended up at the same conclusion as me. 

And now... It's easy to guess what will be the action of Kushida in this exam. But why betray us in every exam? At first, after the exam on the island, I thought It could be for something stupid like private points but now the reason become more and more obvious. The reason behind Kushida's action...

I then take a look at the girl who is sitting next to me... Horikita Suzune. Well, now I was probably a part of the problem... Now that I make believe to Kushida that I know about those two...

Yato: Sighs...

The last period of class just ended and students of the D-Class start getting ready to go home or go to their clubs. I was about to get up and leave but something piqued my interest.

Kiyo: Please accompany me for a bit after this

I then look to my right to see that he was talking to Horikita

Horikita: If I said no?

Kiyo: Of course, you're free to say that but I won't be taking responsibility then if Class D faces a predicament

Horikita: ...this is something I can't quite ignore. Fine, what do you want?

Kiyo: You'll understand if you come along.

He then directly look at me in the eye for a moment to after passe in front of Horikita and me.  He made me understand with this eyes contact that I was free to stay or ignore it all. He didn't warn me before saying that he had something planned so I was curious about all this... so I decided to stay at my place and wait to see what all this was about.

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