Volume 5: Sports Festival

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Chapter 1

Kei Pov

Today was the resumption of classes after our summer break just ended. It was quite early in the morning before the classes start and I was currently on the fourth floor of the dormitory. I ran into some people who probably left for school earlier to go to their club activities. 

Anyway, I was in front of the door of the room 402 and decided to knock on it.





Still no answer...

We had a meeting with Horikita and the others at the Pallet Cafe soon and I wanted to pick up Yato before going there but he is not answering... 

Kei: Has he already left?

No, it's impossible, it's way too earlier for the meeting time. He would never leave early to go there... There is a better chance that he is still sleeping and that he had planned to just not come at all...

Kei: Ah mou! This guy!

Has I was about to knock again, the door is opened suddenly. I saw my fake boyfriend open the door dressing in his school uniform with his hair still wet... He probably just came out of the shower. He then finally look at me with his sleepy eyes and...

Yato: Oh it's you Kei... Sorry I couldn't open the door when I hear you knock...

Kei: No it's okay don't worry, I thought that you were still sleeping.

He then looks at me for a few seconds without saying anything until...

Yato: Well... Why are you here this early? Can I help you with something?

Kei: Ah eh well, I was afraid that you were late or that you just weren't coming for the meeting later... So I came to see you so that we could go there together.

Yato: Sighs... you don't trust me that much ehh...

Well, he can't blame me for doubting a little that he would skip the meeting with his personality...He doesn't say anything else and he seemed to be thinking about something.

Yato: Anyway... It's still too soon to leave for the Cafe... You can come in if you want.

Kei: Ah ehh but...

He then opens the door fully and starts to walk inside his room to let me in without even listening to what I was about to say... So to not just wait in front of his room, I just enter in and close the door behind me. I slowly remove my shoes and start walking to join Yato in his room...

To be honest, it was the first time that I was going inside of a guy's room. Even if I was ''dating'' Hirata before, I had never been in his room. I was a bit nervous and curious to see what it was looking like. I start to finally see the inside of his room when I walk away from his hall and my first reaction was...

Kei: Empty...

He was currently sitting on his bed while reading a book... without even paying attention to my remark he just change the page of his book...

Books... that the probably the only things he had bought for his room... everything else was furniture and things provided by the school.

Kei: Why is your room is soo empty? We just go shopping two days ago...

Without even looking at me and still reading his book, he answers me...

Yato: Yeah I know you're not the first one to say that my room is empty... but I don't really know what to buy for now... When I will have some idea I will go buy them...

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