Volume 6: X

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Chapter 3

Ryuuen Pov:

Today the new special exam had just been announced... but right now it was not really my priority. I was sitting at the podium in front of the classroom.

Ryuuen: Looking back on the exams so far, there are several unnatural things.

I asked all my class to stay here after school. Albert, Ishizaki, Komiya, and Houdo were beside me. I wanted to make things clear... and of course, no one said anything about my order. 

Ryuuen: For it to come to this, it couldn't have been by chance.

I said those words as if I was speaking to myself... but in reality, there were for a specific person... the reason on why my plan failed during the sports festival. 

Ryuuen: Based on what happened on the uninhabited island, and at the sports festival, there appears to be a person in Class D who thinks like me.

There was still Fukazawa who was a case aside... but there was still the question of whether these two were linked...

Ishizaki: Someone like Ryuuen-san? I don't think Class D has someone like that...

He seems to catch up with something when he said that... he is trash to keep a poker face. He probably thought about Fuakzawa...after all, he managed to stop the Sudo incident by manipulating Ishizaki to get 300k per month. Even if Ishizaki doesn't know that it's Fuakzawa who is behind all this, he still knows that there is someone who managed to stop my plan. 

During the sports festival I ended up making a contract with Fukazawa to know how he managed and what he obtain but I didn't tell Ishizaki and the others that I know about this... so they still think that they can't tell me about this incident. 

Anyway...I just smile and start looking at Ishizaki

Ryuuen: I used to think that too, but I feel like I need to face reality

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Ryuuen: I used to think that too, but I feel like I need to face reality.

This was the reality... there was a person in the shadow of the D-Class and Suzune.

Ishizaki: Is this also related to the results of the uninhabited island exam and the sports festival?

Ryuuen: That's it. But rest assured, I have a general idea of how the other side is doing things. Listen to you. Moving forward, we'll be looking to launch an all-out attack on Class D. I must take out the person running Class D from the shadows. Class A and Class B will have to be put aside for now.

I notice a few being dissatisfied by my statement but I didn't care... now what was important was this bastard who hide in the shadow.

Ishizaki: Ryuuen-san...... Does Class D really have someone working in the background? Someone other than Horikita or Hirata?

Kaneda: Hm? What about Fukazawa-shi? From what I saw during the festival and at the end of the uninhabited island... he is the perfect candidate right, Ryuuen-shi?

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