Volume 7: Resolve

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Chapter 7

Ryuuen Pov:

There's barely anyone left inside the school building thirty minutes after our homeroom ended given that our winter vacation's just begun. Just like they did during our summer vacation, all the students left straight away. Barely anyone noticed us since they were all busy leaving.

Ibuki: So.....where are we going? Just tell us what we're going to do already

I didn't speak a word of our current plan to anyone, including Ibuki. Ibuki and the others only know that I had instructed Ishizaki's group to keep an eye on Miyake and his ilk.

That's why they had no idea why exactly I approached Koenji. The reason I kept my silence on this is that I wanted to avoid spies within Class C getting involved like Manabe and her group did.

There's no doubt that this person's also doing everything they can to keep their identity hidden. And so I kept quiet about my actual plan in order to corner X with certainty.

Ryuuen: Are you curious, Ibuki?

Ibuki: You're always dragging me around. And I'm always on edge because of your reckless actions.

Ishizaki also followed suit and approached me. Perhaps he's also curious about my true intentions.

Ryuuen: You remember what I told you about Karuizawa, right? She's the woman who started the chain of events leading up to Manabe and her group becoming spies.

Ibuki: You're talking about that noisy woman from Class D who is the girlfriend of Fukazawa, right? 

Since Ibuki infiltrated Class D during the island exam, she probably knows best. 

Ryuuen: I'm calling Karuizawa out to the rooftop today. I got Karuizawa'smail address from a woman who exchanged numbers with her. Of course, I made sure she knew I'm the one who sent her that mail.

A woman who exchanged numbers with her.....I didn't go as far as to say that woman's name. Because I decided there's still no need for me to tell anyone about 'Kushida'. Talking about Kushida... she didn't make contact with me since Fukazawa trapped us to have proof against her to show that she was betraying her own class. 

Ishizaki: Huh? Rooftop? There's no way Karuizawa would come if you're the one calling.

Ryuuen: She will definitely come. If she doesn't, I told her I'd expose her past.

If the pathetic fact that she got bullied in the past were to come to light, it'll cause a huge ruckus. If she understands that this could put her current social status at risk, then she has no choice but to accept the danger and come anyways.

Ibuki: Okay but there is still the factor of his boyfriend... this annoying guy, Fukazawa!

Hearing this I just start to smirk. Ibuki noticed it and it seemed to bother her but I just ignored her...

Ryuuen: There is no need to worry about Fuakzawa... he will not come.

Ibuki\Ishizaki: Huh?

Both of them seemed surprised... Albert was behind me but he wasn't saying a word and didn't show any reaction...

Ishizaki: But how are you sure he will not come Ryuuen-san?

Ibuki: Knowing how annoying this guy is...it could be a pain for us if he shows up...

I then stop walking and they all did the same as me... They were all looking at me intrigued. I then start looking at Ishizaki more seriously...

Ryuuen: Baji Keisuke...

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