Volume 1: Rules

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Chapter 2

Yato POV :

Ah yes, on the first day of school of the year, roughly during the first period Chabashira-sensei will explain the rules and the lifestyle for us to adapt in this school. After all, we are forbidden to have any contact outside this school for the next three years. So, it was certain that there would be rules that usually not have in other schools. At this moment I just received a document including the rules of this place. 

One special aspect of this school that caught my attention was the S system.

Chabashira: Now that you all have the document containing the rules, I will hand you your student ID cards. This card contains all your private points, with this you can buy anything from all shops and facilities around this campus. It works the same as credit cards, be careful about how much you use points. There's nothing you can't buy at this school. If there's something on school grounds, it's purchasable.

Yato: Wait, there's nothing I can't buy at this school. It seems like I'm the only one that interests me. If you really can buy anything on the school grounds, it could be very useful. And when I think about it... That doesn't really change from the outside world, money can be a terrifying power if people use it intelligently.

Chabbashira: Students' cards can be used by swiping them on the machine or you could also use your phone to make any payment in this school, it's really easy you will have any trouble using them. The points will automatically be transferred to students on the first day of each month. Everyone should already have 100,000 points on their cards. The value of the points is, 1 point is worth 1 yen. That is all for the explanation of the student's cards.

When Chabashira finished explaining the private points and the amount of points they received the classroom got excited.

Yato: Wait wait, I know this school is run by the government but 100,000 is not a bit too much for students? Maybe it's just due to my mistrustful nature that I start having doubts about all this... I just keep listening to the rest of his explanations to see if there is a catch.

Chabashira: Were you guys surprised by the amount of points given? This school measures the abilities of students. Everyone here, who passed the entrance exam, has shown some level of merit and worth. The amount of money is your reflection of your skills. Use without holding back. After graduation, however, all the points will be taken back. Since it's impossible to change these points into cash, there's no point in saving up the points. How the points are used is up to you. Use it on things you like or need. If you feel that there is no use for some of your points, you can always transfer them to someone else. However, bullying other people for points is prohibited. The school is very strict on matters concerning bullying.

Chabashira-sensei looked around the class.

Chabashira: It seems like no one has questions. Well then, please lead a good student life.

After that, she just quit the classroom.

This further confirms my suspicion. First, the amount of money they give to us after they are justified by the fact that we show a certain level of merit and worth. So, if I start from this information, if we somehow lose this merit and worth as students, will there be consequences? What will be these consequences? 

The other fact that makes me think in that way is that Chabashira-sensei never ONCE mentioned that they going to give us 100,000 per month. The only thing she said is that our points are deposited in our account on the first of the month. Anyways, I won't ask any questions and will just follow the class flow. I just going to back up myself by keeping as many points as possible until I have more proof that will confirm that my theory is true and what the consequences would be.

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