Volume 4.5: End of the summer break

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Chapter 3

Yato Pov:

We were now before the last day of the summer break. In the end, I didn't do too much to enjoy it at its best, to be honest. Two or three things happened this month but nothing extraordinary. I didn't read the cooking book that I bought to try to improve myself... I should work on my laziness before anything else...

Yato: Sighs... What time is it?

I then take my phone who was next to me and look at the time and it was indicated that it was presently 13h45 p.m. 

Yato: It's about time to go...

Indeed, today I...again... have a date with Kei. She told me to be there at 14h p.m at the entrance of the keyaki Mall. At first, I didn't really see the point of redoing a fake date but she told me that new couples go out a lot more... so since our relationship was new and a topic of discussion popular among the person of our class... no, even with all students of our year in fact... we need to act like one. Since it was rather a good argument and I didn't want to argue more with her so I just decided to accept this date...

I then close the book I was reading and put it on my nightstand and get up from my bed. I walk toward my door and put on my shoes and leave towards the Keyaki Mall...




I started to see the entrance while I was walking toward it and I noticed Kei who was waiting for me. She then noticed me too and seem a bit angry at me...

Yato: What I did again...

I then walked to her and before I could say anything she look at me with an angry face... well it wasn't really threatening but cuter... and said.

Kei: Again... you are still late!

Yato: Ehh wait?

I then look at my phone to see that it was 2h01 p.m. Well yeah, technically I was late but don't need to exaggerate...

I then take an obvious fake expression of someone happy and say.

Yato: Hello to you too Kei! Glad to see you...

And immediately go back to my usual nonchalant expression...

Yato: But can I know why are you angry? It's only one minute...

She then stare at me for a few seconds and sighed and slightly look disappointed with my answer...

Kei: You know it's always a good thing to arrive a bit early when someone gives you an appointment...

Yato: Well I don't really see the point of waiting for nothing... If you wanted me to be here earlier you should just ask me instead...

Kei: Well I'm starting to get to know you so I suspected an answer like that...

I then noticed that people around us start to look at us... I really underestimated the popularity of Kei among the first-year student... even more since now she is the girl who broke up with the great Hirata.

She then noticed it too and immediately get closer to me and took my hand...

Kei: Let's go Yato-kun!

We then just started to walk into the Keyaki Mall. 

She was still holding my hand while we were walking... Well, I guess it was normal for a couple but It's a bit weirder than I initially thought. It was necessary to have a bit of good acting skill to play this fake couple. Hirata did well when he was acting as the boyfriend of Kei... 

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