Volume 4: Memories

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:


I had just arrived in front of Hirata's room... it was late but I knew he wasn't sleeping yet because I had just texted him and he had replied... a few seconds later the door opened...

Hirata: Fukazawa-kun? Can I help you?

He seemed surprised to see me here...

Yato: Sorry to bother you but Koenji is your roommate, right?

Hirata: Yes he is. You came here because he stopped the exam for his group, right?

Yato: Yeah I'm curious about this, He's there? I would like to talk to him.

Hirata: Sorry Fukazawa-kun but he just left. He said that he was going to search for something to drink. He left a few minutes before you arrived.

Fuck... I don't want to start looking for him everywhere...I should hurry...

Yato: Ah okay too bad then. I'll see you tomorrow Hirata!

Hirata did not answer me...he seemed to be thinking about something... but I don't really have to wait...

Hirata: You think we can talk before you go back to your room? 

Ah shit, I don't really have the time for that...

Hirata: It's quite important Fukazawa-kun.

He noticed my hesitation to accept... What should I do...

Yato: Sighs... Yes no problem

It doesn't really matter in the end... because that's the room of Koenji too... he will end up coming back here... So I have time to listen to what Hirata wants to talk to me...

Hirata: Thanks Fukazwa-kun, here you can go in.

I went into his room...there was no one else in that room... which I found strange because it was already quite late...

Yato: Where are your other roommates Hirata?

Hirata: Well after that Koenji ends the exam. There was some tension here so Yukimura-kun and Ayanakoji-kun go for a walk.

Oh? So Kiyo is in this room... so he already knows about Koenji...

Yato: Anyway, what did you want to tell me that was so important, Hirata?

Hirata: It's about the exam...

The exam huh? He took out his phone and showed the screen to me... there were two names on it...

Kushida Kikyo VIP Dragon Group

Minami Satsuya VIP Hourse Group

I obviously know about Kushida but for the other girl... she was a girl in our class... she must have said to Hirata that she was the VIP to have his help...but why... I then start to look him straight in the eye...

Yato: Why are you revealing this information to me? She said it to you, not to me...

Hirata: I trust you Fukazawa-kun. And I thought that maybe if I told you this info you will be able to do something in the exam.

Yato: I see thanks but I have no leads at the moment, this test is harder than it seems.

It was a lie... but what he just told me was the most important information I could have... the name of a VIP...

Yato: But it's a good thing that we have as much information as possible during this exam.

Hirata: You're right, that's why I wanted to tell you this Fukazawa-kun!

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