Volume 6: Paper Shuffle

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

It was the following day of the mid-term. We were supposed to receive the results of them today. In this school, it was not long before teachers correct all the exams of the students. Usually, we have the results the following day or the same day sometimes.

There was some tension in the class right now... but it was nothing compared to the start of the year.

Finally, Chabashira-sensei enters the classroom.

Chabashira: Please find your seats

As soon as she walked into the classroom, the atmosphere quickly grew heavier and became more dignified. There was some visible change in our class, Chabashira-sensei couldn't hide her surprise by seeing this scene.

Chabashira: Everyone looks rather serious. It's hard for me to believe that everyone here is part of the D-Class.

Ike: That's because today is when you announce the results of the mid-term exam, right?

Ike spoke with a slightly nervous look on his face. Chabashira-sensei responded with a sly smile.

Chabashira: That's exactly right. You're required to drop out immediately if you fail your midterm or final exams. I've told you this before, so it should still be fresh in your memories. It's natural to be nervous or anxious, but none of you even had the proper mentality until now. I'm glad to see all of you growing up.

I was quite surprised by the fact that Chabashira-sensei just made us a compliment right now...She was finally acting like a real teacher I guess...

Chabashira: However, you'll need to be prepared for the consequences if you've failed. So now I'm going to post the midterm exam results. Make sure you don't mix up your name and score.

From what I heard and saw yesterday I do not worry too much about the results... but what if...

Student: It seems that we can see the results of every one.

Chabashira: Of course. It's one of the rules of the school.

At the start of the year, this rule took me by surprise but in fact... I don't care at all that people see my results. Maybe some students will care about that... probably the one in the lowest ranking. They will maybe have a feeling of inferiority...but maybe after that, they will put more effort into the study for the future exam...

Chabashira: For all subjects, it's fine to consider the passing grade to be a score of 40 points or more. Those who do not meet this standard will be subjected to expulsion.

The passing grade was not the problem here... it was more about one of the penalties of the sports festival...

Chabashira: The scores announced from now on will also reflect your results at the sports festivals. In terms of results, those who achieved high scores and found success at the festival attained a score exceeding 100 points. In these cases, the score will be treated as a full score.

No... in those mid-term, the ten students who achieved the worst results will have a penalty of 10 points on their results final. By remembering the results of the start of the year... it could maybe be a problem. Sudo who got the worst results in the first mid-term was free from the penalty... he was maybe not good at studying but he was good at sports at least... but it was not the case for everyone... like his two friends Ike and Yamauchi. But I don't know who finished in the lowest ranking...

But... what if someone is getting expelled after those mid-term? The first time Sudo was supposed to be expelled but Kiyo... and Horikita... buy 1 point for the English test of Sudo to save him. What now? If a students get a failing grade do Kiyo or Horikita will try something to save this person? At the start of the year, it cost 100k private points to just buy 1 point... I know I have a lot of points but... I don't plan to buy it for anyone. Well...

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