Volume 11: Event Selection Exam

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Sakayanagi Arisu Monologue

I could still recall the scene across the glass screen on that day as if it had occurred only yesterday. 

My father took me to a facility located deep within the mountains, its exterior dyed a pure white. No, it wasn't only the exterior. As far as I could remember, both the corridors and the small rooms we went through were all painted in one single white color. 

I placed both my hands on the transparent glass, doing my very best to see what lied beyond. The screen seemed to be some sort of one-way mirror so they couldn't see us from the other side.

Sakayanagi: What is it, Arisu? It's rare to see you this interested in something.

Arisu: This is an experiment attempting to artificially create a genius. There's no way I wouldn't find it interesting.

Sakayanagi: That's not a very childlike way of speaking, as usual...

My father spoke, showing a perplexed smile as he picked me up in his arms.

According to my father, anyone who went through the curriculum of this facility would, without exception, be educated to become someone exceptional. There's no way I wouldn't have misgivings about that.

Arisu: It's just, this experiment seems to have a lot of troublesome elements to it

Sakayanagi: Which means?

Arisu: It seems to be attacked from all sides from a human rights perspective.

Sakayanagi: Ha, haha...

Arisu: More importantly, I don't think it is possible for them to create artificial geniuses or anything like that.

The moment people are born into this world, the moment they receive life, their potential is set in stone. It was all the luck of the draw. Then, it would sometimes manifest in various fields. That was the truth of the human world. 

They can't do more than what is carved into their DNA. They awaken by the blood passed on from ancestors or by a sudden mutation. In other words, if you want to create a genius, you'd have to do it at the genetic level.

People who are born ordinary will never escape the realm of the ordinary. No matter how blessed their environment is, if somebody isn't excellent from the beginning, they won't become a genius. That had been my belief since I was young. 

That was the conclusion I had reached after seeing my fellow classmates receive a top-quality education ever since I was an infant. That's why this experiment ran counter to my own way of thinking. That being said... I could agree that it wasn't so straightforward that DNA alone could explain all of it either.

Arisu: Even if someone graduates from this facility as the cream of the crop, will that truly be because of this experiment?

Sakayanagi: What makes you ask that?

Arisu: The children at the top will just have the superior DNA, is what I think.

Sakayanagi: I see. The curriculum these children are partaking is quite intense indeed. As you've said, there is a chance the remaining victors were all excellent from the very beginning. You really are just as wise as your mother. Personality included

Arisu: That makes me happy. Being compared to my mother is the highest form of praise.

I obediently and honestly took my father's words to heart and yet again continued to watch the children on the other side of the mirror. Children with talent, children without, everyone was partaking in this education program equally. It was a program where the people who started to fall behind would disappear one by one.

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