Volume 7: Intention

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Chapter 2

Yato Pov:

It was now the end of the first part of the day and it was now the break time. Most people get up from their seats and start walking over to their friends to start eating or leaving the classroom for the cafeteria or just going around the school to hang out.

My gaze then fall on Ishikawa... he get up from his seat and went toward a girl from our class. And then two other people join them. He was part of a little group of friends a bit like the new group of friends of Kiyo, the Ayanakoji group. 

There was still the group of three idiots who hang out together and sometimes Hondo was joining them...he is basically the substitute of Kiyo in this group. I still don't believe that Kiyo was hanging out with them... Sudo made some great progress but Ike was still far from being good and Yamauchi...well I still have the same opinion as at the start of the year.

Kushida who was quieter since the end of the paper shuffle exam left the classroom a bit earlier than usual. But she still hasn't looked at me since the end of the previous exam even if we meet each other to have a talk...

Hirata who just left the classroom, probably to go to the cafeteria, has been quickly followed by a lot of girls in the class including Mii-chan and a few other girls. Since he broke up with Kei and he was now single again a lot of girls probably wanted to try their chance. I was curious to know if Hirata would want to start a real relationship since the last one he had was a fake one just to protect his classmate... Karuziawa Kei.

Talking about Kei, even if she lost the support and protection of Hirata... her reputation inside the class hasn't been changed. In fact, she was still considered one of the pillars of the D-Class and has a lot of influence over the girl. She was still the first one to have been in a couple with the great Hirata-sama. She was currently talking with her friends when she suddenly start looking in my direction...

Our gazes meet because I was looking at her but I quickly start looking at someone else...

Yato: Does she sense that I was looking at her or it was just a coincidence?

Anyway, I then start looking at someone else... someone that recently started to gain my interest. I already know a bit about him but I was still curious about his motivation and what he was doing exactly...but he quickly get up from his seat and left the classroom too.

I hesitate to follow him but finally, I just cancel the idea. Tired of the day already, I then get up too and was about to leave but I heard a conversation between two people on my left...

Horikita: Didn't you say last week that you wanted to read this?

I then take a quick look to my left to see Hoirkita who was currently speaking to Kiyo.

Kiyo: Farewell, My Lovely', huh? I'm impressed you managed to borrow it. By any chance, are you going to lend it to me?

I see so Kiyo was interested in this book huh? Having no interest listened longer I just start walking towards the door to finally exit the classroom. But immediately after I was out of the classroom the door opened behind me and I hear the person walking behind me and just poking my arm...

Kei: Hey Yato-kun!

I then turn around to see Kei who was smiling...She was acting like the good girlfriend in love with her boyfriend...

She then take a few quick looks around until she notice that there was nearly no one close to saying...

Kei: Did you want to tell me something? I mean you were looking at me earlier...

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