Volume 10: Hesitation

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Chapter 3

Yato Pov:

We were the March 3, the special exam had been announced yesterday and would be on Saturday.

The ambiance of the classroom became worst than ever this morning when we arrived at the class.

I heard from Kei that she made a group to protect themself with 6 of her friends but they weren't the only ones who thought about this strategy.

There was probably the group of Kiyo with Hakura, Akito, Sakra and Keisei. Also another group with Ishikawa and his friends, a group with Sudo and his friends and probably way more...

Because of the formation of these groups, the ambiance changed and many people felt it...such as Horikita who was next to me.

The morning continued, and Chabashira-sensei gave us class as usual even knowing that by the end of the week one of us would be out and finally...

Dinner time arrived.

As yesterday people got up and went to their friends and they quickly left by group the classroom...

Just by this scene, I could have a vague idea of the current group...

But today I didn't want to lose any of my dinner time so I just got up from my seat and left the classroom. Horikita was still at her seat, but like this morning I decided to ignore her...

If she wants to talk to me about this exam it would be by her own envy... for the moment I will let her take a moment to think bout all this.

But as I was in the hallway in the direction of the Rooftop.

???: Fukazawa-kun?

Yato: Hm?

I just stopped walking and turned around to see the person who was the less in danger in this exam...

Yato: Yo Hirata...

It's been a while since I talked with him... the occasion became rarer since Horikita really stepped up as a leader, and now she was acting on her own to go ask help for Hirata...she didn't need Kiyo or me for this anymore.

Hirata: Do I bother you?

Hirata said this as he walked to me...

Yato: Well... nah I was just about to go eat something...

He smiled at my answer, but I noticed it... his smile was not as usual. It seemed forced.

Hirata: Then can I take a few minutes of your time?

Yato: ...

I remain silent... I knew what would be the subject of discussion... and I already knew that my answer and mindset for this exam would not satisfy him...

Yato: Yeah sure... but do you mind if we just continue to walk to the loading machine over there?

He just nodded...

Hirata: Of course not! After all, it's me who asked for some of your time... I will do as it bothers you the less, Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: Great...

Then we both start walking next to each other in the hallway...

Yato: Then Hirata...what can I do for you?

Hirata: Haha...

He laughed, but it also seemed forced... not as usual...

Hirata: You really don't know what I want to talk about, Fukazawa-kun?

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