Volume 10: Untouchable

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Be careful this is chapter 6! I just released chapter 5 earlier today so go read it first if you haven't yet!




Chapter 6

Yato Pov:

The class Poll just ended.

Yamauchi had just left the classroom, and Chabashira-sensei followed him after a short moment.

The classroom was silent...

I currently have the gaze of a few people. They were probably surprised that I ended up with that many votes and, most importantly, more than the number of people in our class. 

A few of them were also maybe some who decided to listen to Yamauchi, believing that I was maybe a traitor. Now that the truth had been exposed that he'd been working with Sakayanagi, they were feeling bad about thinking I was a traitor...but I also ingored them.

Now everything was over I got up from my seat and started walking away.

Horikita: Fukazawa-kun!

She called out my name, but I just ingored her and continued to walk to the door...

Talking here with her wasn't the right choice. She probably has a lot of questions since I maybe forced her a bit too much, but whatever...

Before leaving the classroom, though, I took a glance at someone...at our precious idol, Kushida Kikyo.

She was already looking in my direction annoyed, but I just smirked at her and left the classroom.

Yato: Sighs...

I remained there for a moment until I started looking to my left and saw some people from the B-class leaving their class.

Yato: I should get out of here before too many people arrive...

I was about to go toward the hall to see the result of the other class, but it was useless...

Instead, I decided to walk in the completely opposite direction...

I walked a moment in the hallway until I arrived where I wanted. I saw two people further away in the hallway with their backs turned to me.

Seeing them here, I just smirked...

???: Wait a moment here...

One of two people further away said that before she entered a room while closing the door behind her.

I continued to walk toward the reaming person in the hallway. This person didn't notice me coming at him.

He was probably too devasted by the event that had just happened to him.

Yato: Hey Hey~~

I just walked to him while putting my hand on his shoulder.

Hearing my voice and seeing me here, he just started to panic a bit until he clenched his fist, annoyed by my presence...

Yamauchi: Y-You!!!!!

Seeing his reaction, I just smirked...

Yamauchi: G-Get out of here!

I could see his eyes were a bit red...he probably cried on his way here...

Yato: Hahahaha why I would leave?

I then leaned my arm on his shoulder and started looking at him in the eyes...

Yato: I came to have a last laugh before you left this place!

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