Volume 11: Final Battle

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I released Chapter 5 earlier today so if you haven't read it first go read it.




Chapter 6

Yato Pov:

After the return of Hirata to his old self, the class gained a great amount of confidence that they needed for this exam. Two days passed when they continued to prepare themself and finally...we were there. The day of the final exam of our first year in this school.

An exam made up of battle events between two classes. Where a commander of each class will have the responsibility to choose the best combination of students for each event. 

Even if today Horikita can clearly be seen as the true leader of the C-Class after all the progress she has made... the commander of the C-Class was Ayanakoji Kiyotaka. Due to a certain set of events that happened during the Class Poll. Ayanakoji ended up with the role of commander and the biggest responsibility of the C-Class since he won the protection point.

For the students of C-Class giving the most important role to Ayanakoji was just an assurance not to lose a person like Horikita since she wasn't in possession of a protection point. In regular circumstances, they would have preferred to give this role to the person which has the most confidence to go against a person like Sakayanagi.

But a few people in the class... think Ayanakoji can stand a chance against her. People such as me, Horikita, Kei and now maybe even Hirata. People who have a grasp of the real abilities of the person named Ayanakoji Kiyotaka.


Even if they can maybe have confidence in Ayanakoji...none of them know the real meaning of this match against the A-Class. The reason why Ayanakoji ended up with the role of commander. For everyone in the class expected me it was only a duel between two classes in a war for the A-Class position.

But for me, I knew the hidden meaning behind this confrontation... the confrontation of a little girl who wanted to beat her childhood friend. All this stage was set up to be a battle between two people.

And in this battle, I decided to stay outside of it. I don't plan to enter in any way into their personal battle. Sakayanagi and I made a deal to be sure I don't get involved in a specific event.

That's why today I will not fight as I did in the previous exam. Today I will fight just like a normal student for this class. Today I am only a soldier whose role will be decided by the commander Ayanakoji Kiyotaka. A sportive event? An academic event? Or something else? I don't know and will not ask any questions and just take part in the event I am chosen and do my best as a student of the C-Class... Of course, as long I am not involved in their personal match.

Horikita: Today, I want you to forget about all the notes and pointers I've given you.

Yato: ...

Horikita at her desk on my left said this to Kiyo who was at his desk waiting for the morning homeroom to start.

Horikita: Choose whichever five events you want, and then pick whoever you want to participate in them.

Kiyo: If I take charge and mess up your plans, wouldn't the rest of the class be unable to adapt to it?

Horikita: I never told anyone which events I'd be choosing aside from Fukazawa-kun.

Hearing this Kiyo just started looking at me and I just waved at him with a fooling smile.

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