Volume 5: Break time

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Chapter 7

Yato Pov:

The morning half of the sports festival ended with Class D in dire straits, with the loss of our leader Sudo and with an Horikita who gets no results. All this happens because of one person...well two to be more exact... but the main person behind this was Ryuuen Kakeru. He managed to mentally break Sudo with a lot of dirty tricks and provocation. For Horikita, he still hasn't finished his job and was probably about to finish it soon...

But for now, it was time for the lunch break. There were those who had their lunch at the cafeteria, some who ate on the grounds since we were notified that we could move about freely. Especially during the sports festival where a sense of solidarity could be strongly felt, regardless of whether you're a boy or a girl, there are plenty of opportunities to have lunch together with senior students. Unlike the usual, our classrooms are currently off-limits and so the places where we could eat were limited. 

Today the students seems excited for the lunch. Why? Well, It appears today's lunch was not made at the school's cafeteria but rather luxury Bentos ordered from the outside. There's only one variety but there's also the fact that it's free so most of the students will likely opt for it.

On the other hand, a portion of the students left the grounds without laying their hands on the Bentos. One of them is Horikita... I wonder if she finally starts to get it. Since the start of the festival, I have been cold with her...but it was for her own good. It was time that she starts to understand her flaws and to force her to understand that it's not like that she will reach the A-Class. Earlier this morning I told her that her way of doing was pathetic and I saw Kiyo have a talk with her after that Sudo abandon us. After all this, our words at me and Kiyo must finally have reached her, the proud Horikita Suzune. 

Anyway, Kiyo told me that he was going to take care of Horikita... So I have no reason to doubt about the next now... I think? If I was him, I would have told Hoirkita that Sudo was an important piece for our class. We just need to wait if she will go search for Sudo and bring him back here. There was Kushida who left too, telling her friends that she will look for Sudo. There was no need to think more about this for now... anyway I have something more important for now...

I was standing in front of Yamauchi with my fist close to make a rock...

Yamauchi: Yes hahahaha!!

Yato: You must be kidding me right now...

Yamauchi: Hahahaha I'm much better haha!

Yato: Hoi stop that of I spit in your Bento!

He immediately shut himself and start walking towards Ike...

Why?... I just lose to rock-paper-scissor again all the class... but when it was time for me to lose when we chose the student who will participate in the optional event, I ended up winning all the game... Why all this to me? Now I ended with the task of distributing the Bentos for all my classmates...

Yato: Sighs...

Kiyo: Sorry about that but... I must say that your bad luck is something else...

Yato: Yeah... nothing new about that... Help me instead so we can just finish this as soon as possible...

He just takes some Bentos boxes and starts giving them with me to all our classmates. After we have done with this, I didn't have the time to talk to Kiyo that Ike and Yamuchi take him away to eat with him. 

Yato: Yeah no... I pass this one...

I was about to leave but someone call my name...

???: Fukazawa-kun, are you going somewhere?

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