Volume 9 SS

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Masumi Karumo: Hesitation

It was on the 13th February...

It was Sunday, and I passed my day as usual in my room. I was supposed to go to school later in the p.m for my club to paint a bit since Sakayanagi didn't order me anything for today.

But instead of going to my Club... I ended up at the Keiyaki Mall.


To buy something...I hesitated a lot this week and came to the conclusion not to buy anything for tomorrow.

But not knowing the reason, I ended up in the store and bought a chocolate box.

Girl: You want me to put a card with your name on it?

Masumi: W-What?!

My name on it?!

Masumi: No... Everything expected my name!

She looked at me puzzled until she just started to smile. I was annoyed by this, but I just ingored this since it was the last time I would come to this shop.

I pay and immediately put the chocolate box in my school bag before leaving the store.

Masumi: Sighs...

I left the store and ended up standing in front of it...at the end, I couldn't do as I planned and not buy anything...It would have been the best option...but I ended up buying chocolate...

Masumi: But now...

I just look at my bag...

Masumi: What do I do?!

As I was thinking about all this...

???: Oh Fukazawa!

Masumi: !!!!!!

My eyes widened as I heard this and started looking in the direction I heard this...

I saw Yato in a bookstore on the other side while looking at a shelf while he also turned to see the person that was calling him...

Yato: Oh Kanzaki...

The person who called him was Kanzaki of the B-Class. I was kind of surprised by this, but I remember what happened with Hashimoto and this Kanzaki. Hashimoto told us that Yato intervened during their incident...

I remained there while Kanzaki was walking to the store to join Yato but...

Masumi: I need to get out of here!

But as I thought about this, I noticed that Yato was about to start looking in my direction...but with a chance...

Girl: Where should we go now?

A group of girls passed in front of me that hid me from Yato...

Masumi: I need to go...

I just took this opportunity and used the skill that I had developed since the start of the year while Sakayangi forced me to follow Ayanakoji to leave the place without being noticed...Well, I hope not to have been.

I then left the Keyaki Mall and returned to my room.

As soon as I was in it, I took out the chocolate box from my bag and put it on my desk...

Masumi: Sighs...

Still unsure of the reason why I decided to buy this I just ended up sitting in my bed...

Masumi: That's just stupid...

It was now 3h45 p.m ...

I spent the rest of the day in my room doing some cleaning and a few things without having the time to go to my club today...

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