Volume 5: Beginning of a New Era

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Chapter 8

Yato Pov:

The last event of the second half, the 1200 meter relay that would bring the sports festival to a close is about to begin. Tensions are running high for everyone other than Class D... with Sudo and Horikita who were still not here, the majority of the class has given up and the morale was at the lowest right now...

But it was about to change...

Hirata: So this is the final event.....even for this one we'll have to prepare a substitute...

When we were about to ask for a substitute again... I noticed two-person coming towards us from behind...

Sudo: Hah, hah. Sorry, to keep you waiting! What's going on?

With these casual words from Sudo... all the D-Class turn around to look at the man who just said those words and finally come back at the time for the last event. I immediately notice his change of attitude... but it was not the case for everyone. No in fact, I and Kiyo were probably the only ones to immediately notice it. All the other people in the class were not too sure how to react after Sudo did to Hirata earlier. But as always, the first person to speak was...

Hirata: Sudo-kun, You came back!

Like if nothing happened earlier. Hirata seems happy with the comeback of Sudo.

Sudo: Sorry... it takes me some time to get myself together...

He had a bright and cheerful look on his face. However, still, a lot of students turned to look at Sudo coldly. Sudo took their stares head-on. 

Sudo: Sorry. All because I snapped, I ended up hitting Hirata and caused morale to plummet. It's also my fault that Class D is in such dire straits

Before anyone could blame him, Sudo said that and gave a deep bow. 

Yato: This attitude...

Yes... the attitude of Sudo right now was proof that a change happen in him. When I look at him right now, I think if all what happened to him today...the provocation of Ryuuen mostly... would have never happened if he would had the same mindset that right now. Seeing him grow as a better person and seeing him overcome his flaws was not something that I expect to be this... great?... to see, to be honest.

I then take a look at the girl next to him... Horikita. I was glad that she succeed to help Sudo. It was the confirmation of the potential that she has...even if it's was still too soon to tell that she on the level of the other class leader... but it was still a big step for Horikita Suzune.

Hirata, after a brief moment of surprise, laughed happily. His cheek, which had swollen up a bit, looked painful. But he doesn't even seem to care about that.

Ike: What's up with you, Ken? This is unlike you

Ike unexpectedly cut in after seeing that. 

Sudo: I just admit my wrongs. I have been the biggest problem here and I wanted to apologize to you too, Kanji.

Ike: It's not like it's your fault I lost or anything. I'm not good at sports.....I'm sorry I wasn't of any use...

Seeing Ike and Sudo apologizing to each other I decided to say my thoughts to Sudo...

Yato: Be able to take a step back after all this prove that you changed Sudo. Look at our class... 

I take a pause in my sentence... Sudo starts to look around at our classmates. I look at him and direct his gaze to the girl next to him.

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