Volume 10: Traitor

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:

Friday, the day before the special exam

Chabashira-sensei just left the classroom in silence after taking a glance at the whole classroom...

Yato: ...

After what happened...

Yamauchi has been denounced by Horikita for wanting to expel Ayanakoji with the help of Sakayanagi ...

Hirata breaks down seeing the class chaos...

It was expected that there would be a certain discomfort in the classroom after all this. That's why most people got up and gathered with their friends before leaving the classroom...

They all took a glance over at Yamauchi, who was holding his head with his hand at his desk... he was visibly shocked and destroyed that everything went against him...After a moment, he just got up and immediately left the classroom.

His destination was clear... he was looking for THE classmate who could still side with him even knowing what he tried to do...

But as I was looking at a stressed Yamauchi leaving the classroom...

Hakura: Are you free right now?

I heard a voice that I recognized talking to one of my neighbors...

I just start looking to my left to see Hakura and the Ayanakoji group standing in front of Kiyo's desk...

Kiyo: Hm? Yeah.

With a bit of hesitation, Kiyo agreed and got up from his seat to leave the classroom with them.

Since I was looking at them, they noticed me but I just nodded at them and they left shortly after...

Now that almost everyone left the classroom...

Yato: You had been perfect!

I said this and started looking at the girl on my left who was still sitting at her desk with her arms crossed.

Horikita: I really hope so... 

Of course, we couldn't be 100% sure that people will choose to expel Yamauchi instead of Kiyo...but after seeing everyone's reaction to the truth about Yamauchi and the fact he was potentially a traitor... their choice should be obvious...

Yato: Ahh be more confident... look you convinced me to vote for Yamauchi after your speech!

She just started looking at me with a doubtful look...

Horikita: Because it wasn't already what you planned to do?

I just started to smirk as I leaned completely on my chair...

Yato: Crap... I have been found out huh?

She just shook her head after seeing my attitude...

Horikita: But still...his attitude was kind of a surprise.

By "his" it was obvious who she was talking about...

Yato: Yeah, seeing Hirata like that must have been a shock for a lot of people.

Horikita: For a lot of people?

She seemed surprised by my choice of words and started looking at me.

Horikita: You have not been?

She interpreted my words as if I wasn't shocked by Hirata's reaction earlier...

Yato: No... seeing him scream like that was a surprise for sure...the kind Hirata losing his cold in front of the whole class. This exam is killing him from the inside...

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