Volume 11,5: Ceremony day

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Fukazawa Yato Monologue Part 1

What is a good person?

It's a question that I've always asked myself since I was young. I grew up in an adoptive family, and the person I called father did his best to raise me to be a 'good' person.

Fukuzawa Yukichi was someone I greatly admired, and I was thankful to have been his son.

That's why I tried to understand and apply the values, morals, compassion, and respect he taught me. 

My brother Touma managed to become what my father taught us... A "good" person.

But sadly...

I wasn't able.

In the end, I couldn't understand the meaning of being a "good" person.

I have always been different from the others kids of my age. 

When the other kids faced a problem with two solutions—one that seemed to be the "good" one and the other that seemed to be the "bad" one—they took the "good" choice without any hesitation. For them, making the "good" choice was normal.

But in my case... I always waited before making a choice. I was always considering the pros and cons of each choice...and in the end...if the "bad" choice seemed to bring the best outcome. I wouldn't hesitate any second to take it.

What's the point of making the "right" choice to be a "good" person if ultimately, this decision isn't the best one?

I thought about it a lot during my childhood...until one day I ended up in a situation where I was confronted to a situation with two choices again.

One choice was the "good" one...

And the other was the "bad" one...

I still remember this event...

I was returning from school and some older guys were threatening a girl. I was an outsider to this, but I still stopped looking at them to analyze the situation...

In that specific case, the "good" choice was to help this unknown girl even if I couldn't get anything from this...

And the "bad" one was just to walk away and leave this unknown girl on her own against the older guys who were threatening her.

But this day, for the first time, I decided to listen to my father's words and make the "good" choice even if this choice was not the best one for me.

Well, in the end, to my surprise, this "good" choice allowed me to meet the person who would become my best friend... Baji Keisuke.

But after having made the "good" choice...

I finally started to understand two things...

The meaning of a "good" person...

And the fact that I could never be one...a good person just like my father Fukazawa Yukichi.

Because to the question...What is being a good person?

The answer is not simple as doing some "good" actions and making a "good" choice.

But... what is the difference between a good action and a bad action?

The answer is the people you hurt and how people see you after this choice...

But here's another question... Do only "good" actions lead to "good" results?

Of course not...

In fact, you can even get better results by doing "bad" actions. By doing a "bad" action, you can get a "good" outcome...

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