Volume 7,5: Double date

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Chapter 3: 

Yato Pov:

25 December



Yato: hmmm.......

I slowly open my eyes when waking up... I look at my phone and saw it was now 10h30 a.m...

Yato: Arg... I would have slept longer today...

I just sit in my bed while rubbing my eyes...I remain to sit a moment until I just get up from my bed and open my drapes. 

I look through the window to see some people walking outside the dorm... It was mostly some couples or maybe future couples. It was probably a good day to ask a girl to go out and hang out to try getting closer... The magic of Christmas or some shit like that...

Yato: Anwyay...

I just turn around and start walking towards my bathroom. 

Yato: I need to prepare myself because I have a ''date''...

Since the event on the rooftop Kei changed... but she insisted that we go out for a date as a couple. Of course, it was just a play to make people believe that we were a happy couple, etc... but in reality, Kei just wanted to pass the day as two friends. And to be honest, for a moment already I noticed something... Kei seems to...


As I was about to enter my bathroom to go take a shower I heard a notification coming from my phone... I just walk back to my bed and open the message...

[Kei]: Don't be late!!!

Yato: Sighs...

I just drop my phone on my bed...

Yato: Finally I should have refused...

I just walk back to the bathroom and start undressing myself... I first remove my shit and was about to remove my shorts but I stopped... I just start looking at my left forearm instead

Yato: ...

I then start touching the scars that were on my left forearm with my right hand...

I then look at myself in the mirror and look at my stomach... at the scar that I have on my abdomen...

Yato: Yeah... that's not something that a normal student would have huh...

I managed to hide those scars since the begging of the year. In the locker room before the sports class, I just changed myself so no one saw my stomach and came up with an excuse for the bandage on my left forearm.

For the swimming class well... I just continued to skip those... Well, we only had a few at the start of the year when it was around summertime.

But for how long I will manage to keep those hidden...It's clearly not some scars from an operation or something like that... it will be nearly impossible to have an excuse or come up with something to cover those... I will have to deal with the rumors and people knowing about it...

I just keep looking at the scars on my forearm for a moment until I just turn around and open the water of my shower and fully undressed myself to finally go into the shower.

I remain in the shower for 10 minutes before finally getting out...

I then used my towel to dry myself and finally get out of my room. I then start choosing my outfit for today... I just went for pants with a shirt with long sleeves. 

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