Volume 11: Moving on

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Chapter 5

17 March

Yato Pov:

The final exam was at the end of the week, more precisely in 5 days. Horikita and the class decided on the approach we would take during this exam and our class was preparing themself for the events chosen by the A-Class plus our own event.

But in the middle of all this...there was still a problem.

And this problem was named Hirata Yosuke.

As usual, class ended for today and Hirata got up from his seat and left the classroom without any hesitation.

Just as he left the classroom, Mii-chan got up from her seat and was about to run after him but Horikita immediately stopped her.

Horikita: Please wait wang-san!

Mii-chan stopped and started looking at Horikita who stood up from her chair and walked to her.

Horikita: I would still need your help for the study group, Wang-san. You are one of our best students in English after all.

She seemed a bit disappointed not to be able to try to catch up with Hirata today but Mii-chan just nodded.

Mii-chan: Y-Yes of course Horikita-san...sorry about this...

Horikita: Don't worry about it... 

Horikita managed to keep Mii-chan in the classroom since she needed Mii-chan's help with the study group...Mii-chan was, aside from me, our best element in English. She was an help that Horikita needed the most at the moment.

But as I was looking at this scene from my desk...

???: Fufu...

I noticed someone who seemed surprisingly amused by the current situation between Mii-chan and Hirata...this person was Koenji.

But he quickly got up from his seat and left the classroom as well...

I looked at him walking away and...

Horikita: Are you sure you have time to stay here?

I just started looking in front of me and saw Horikita standing in front of my desk...

Yato: Sighs...don't worry I already started what you asked me...

Just as if she wanted to confirm the advancement of what she requested me, she nodded a few times.

Horikita: Indeed, I heard about your feat... it might end up impactful on the day of the exam.

Yato: ...

I just looked at her for a moment without saying a word when I changed my gaze toward the classroom door where Koenji and Hirata left...

Yato: Maybe...

I just got up from my seat and took my bag but before leaving, I just started to look at Horikita...

Yato: So Boss...I guess I'm free to go since you already have Mii-chan and Kushida who stayed for the study session.

Horikita: Well your help would never be too much but since you already help me with something else you can go... but! if you call me again Boss I will force you to participate in these study sessions!

I just turned around and waved at her while walking away...

Yato: Yeah Yeah... See yaa patron-san!

With these words, I just left the classroom...

Yato: Now...

After closing the door behind me I stayed there in the hallway wondering what I should do.

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