Volume 1: Study group

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:

After a moment in the infirmary of the school...

Nurse: The bleeding has stopped now. It will heal quickly enough, you can return to your class.

Yato: Okay thanks.

I got up and left the infirmary. The first thing I saw when I was out was two of my classmates who were waiting a little further.

Yato: Ayanakoji and Horikita huh? Are you skipping class or what?

I said this to these two but my attention and my gaze fell on the girl named Horikita...

Horikita: No... Right now the others are discussing about what we should do to save our class... but the two of us decided not to participate in the conversation.

Yato: I see...but that's still not explaining the reason for your presence here?

I then started looking at the other guy named Ayanakoji...

Ayanakoji: Horikita has some questions for you but before that...Are you fine? I mean your injury on your lip?

I looked at him in silence for a moment until I just nodded...

Yato: Oh there was nothing to worry about...but still Thanks for your concern Ayanakoji.

Ayanakoji Kiyotaka... always follows Horikita wherever she goes... I didn't have too much opinion on him until now... there was something that bothered me when Chabashira-Sensei was explaining the reason we got zero points this month... when everyone in the class was surprised or panicked, with few exceptions like Koenji...this Ayanakoji dude still had no reaction or emotion... Why?... there is something weird about this guy...

Yato: Anyway...

Again I regained my attention on Horikita

Yato: Horikita you have some questions to ask me?

As she was about to speak, a voice came out from the loudspeaker.

Loudspeaker: Ayanakoji-kun from D-Class. Chabashira-sensei is calling for you. Please come to the staff room.

Yato: Looks like the teacher called you...

Ayanakoji: Yeah... sorry. I'll be going.

As he started to walk away, I decided to look at him. Why would Chabashira-sensei want to call him into her office?

Yato: ...

But as I was looking at him walking away I just felt the gaze of Horikita on me...

Yato: Sighs...

Ayanakoji being soon out of my sight I just decided to look at Horikita who was in front of me...

Yato: So what do you want to know Horikita?

She remained silent while keeping her gaze on me as if she was trying to read me until...

Horikita: What were your feelings when Sensei said the reason that you had been put in D-class?

Yato: What were my feelings? Let me answer your question with another question. Why would I give you my resentment about my placement? After all, you ignored me not once but twice when I tried to talk to you...why have you decided to talk to me now?

Horikita: Well after I see your academic ability and your strength, I can consider that you are someone like me. The fact that we were placed in D-class is a misjudgment from the school.

Hearing this I just smirked...

Yato: Ohhh I see...I can understand your analysis of my academic ability part but for my strength... what are you based on?

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