Volume 6: Best Friend

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:

It was now 20h... it was time for the second study session for the group of Hirata. Earlier today Kei came to my room and I helped her to study... well, in fact, I asked her to make the same exercise that I gave to Ishikawa yesterday. 

I was currently sitting at the same place as yesterday in the library with Ishikawa. Hirata once again made a little speech before we start this session and again... all the girls choose to study with him. 

Kushida didn't say a single word to me... in fact, she didn't even look at me once. After she understands that I would not be involved in her bet with Horikita she probably decided to leave me alone for a moment... she cannot miss her chance to expel Horikita and Kiyo... well even if it will probably fail. Hoirkita has already taken measures to counter Kushdia before even she accept this bet...

Ishikawa: So what do you think I should study today?...or don't tell me you have other exercises like yesterday that I need to do...

Yato: Nah don't worry... well first I will look at your answer but during this time I would like that you reread your note for the topic that you have more difficulty with...

Ishikawa: Well I guess I will look at my maths notes then...

He then takes out all his stuff from his bag...

I did the same and I take out the exercise of yesterday. I immediately started to look at his answer and revised his copy.

I gave him a lot of questions so it take me a while to look at him but after 40 minutes I finished looking at everything...

I just put down the pen and Ishikawa started looking at me...

Yato: Okay so I just finished looking at everything...

Ishikawa: And? What are my results?

Yato: Hmm well on 400 points... you got 195...so I guess that's bad...

Ishikawa: Arg... I knew it. But why did you make me do this instead of studying? I believe in you because you probably got the best results in the class but still...

He still didn't understand the meaning of this test I made for him...

Yato: I said that your results in this test were bad... but you completely succeed the reason why I made you this test...

I could see the misunderstanding on his face...

Yato: Look...these questions were actually quite hard... even more for someone like you who doesn't like to study and doesn't have good results usually... 

Ishikawa: I knew it... there were a lot of things that I was sure that we didn't see in class yet...

Yato: Indeed... in fact, I wanted to see your ability to think about a problem. Even if you don't have the knowledge to answer correctly... with a bit of context and a bit of logic you can still find the right answer...

His eyes widen when I said this... he was finally understanding the reason for this test...

Yato: Of course, this case may not always apply... the best example is for the maths problem. Without the right formula, you can't do anything... but sometimes only with your ability to think you can answer questions correctly. 

Ishikawa: OHHH!!!

Yato: And from what I saw I think your ability to think in a logical way is quite good...

That means the problem is more about his personality and the fact that he doesn't like studying...

Ishikawa: Yosha!!! That means my study will be easier!

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