Volume 11,5: Family

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Chapter 5

Third-person Pov:

Two months ago

It was on a sunny day in early January.

The students of the ANHS school had just started their third semester and left the school ground for a special exam called the Mixed Training Camp.

But while they left for the mountain solely for this exam...

A certain man was coming out from a huge building in Tokyo.

The man had a stern gaze and was walking at a hurried pace accompanied by a few people who were walking behind him.

They were heading off to a car that was waiting for them but as they were walking...

???: Ohhh Atsuomi...it's been a while!

Atsuomi: ...

Hearing this voice... the man named Atsuomi immediately stopped walking and took a look to his left where the voice was coming from.

A bit further from him was sitting a man at an outside table of a Cafe shop.

Behind him were standing two men also looking in Atsuomi's direction...

???: Huh...

One of the people that was following Atsuomi also noticed these people and seemed to find this funny since he just sneered...

Atsuomi: ...

Atsuomi just kept eye contact with the man who called him until he just looked at his wrist to verify the time on his watch.

Confirming he still had time he decided to walk toward the man who called him...

Atsuomi: Indeed it's been a while Mori-sensei...

Mori: Ohh stop calling me sensei...Or I will be forced to call you Ayanakoji-sensei.

That's right... these two men were Mori Ougai and Ayanakoji Atsuomi.

Atsuomi: That's right... sensei don't really suit you anymore.

Hearing this comment, Mori just smiled while Atsuomi kept his serious attitude...

But even if at first glance these two had completely different attitudes...they had one thing in common.

Their gaze...

A stern gaze sharp as a blade...

They didn't need words as they were judging themself with solely their eyes...

Mori: Don't stand there and take a seat.

Showing him the seat in front of him with his hand... Atsuomi just looked at Mori for a moment until he just sat without agreeing or saying anything.

Atsuomi: I wasn't expecting you to be there Mori...

Atsuomi then started looking at the two men behind Mori... One had red hair with a hat and the other one had brown hair...

Atsuomi: Even less accompanied...

He finished his sentence while looking at the man behind Mori with brown hair...

Dazai: It's been a few years...Ayanakoji-sensei.

Chuuya: ...

The two men were Dazai and Chuuya. Two men in their late twenties have been working for Mori for a few years already.

Atsuomi: A few years indeed...since the moment you decided to leave my side.

Atsuomi's answer wasn't a complaint or anything like that... he just said facts as he didn't feel anything about this.

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