Volume 8: First day

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Chapter 3

Yato Pov:

As I was sleeping... I start hearing a little music in the room...

Yato: Arg...

I slowly open my eyes and saw that it was still dark in the room... but there was clearly music playing right now... I wasn't the only one to hear it because I saw other people in my group start getting up by this noise as well...

Ishikawa: Ahh what is this?!

As everyone was getting up... I supposed that the music was coming from the speaker in the room... I look at the clock next to it... and even if it was still dark in the room... I could see that it was 6 a.m...

Yato: Being waked up by this every morning for the next 7 days will be annoying...

I just sit in my bed while rubbing my sleepy eyes...

After a moment to wake up fully, I started to look around to see that everyone had already gotten up from their bed and had already started dressing up for today...

Yato: Hmm it seems that I was right...dealing with this group shouldn't be a problem...

I just jump off my bed and landed next to Ryuuen who was already dressed up and ready for the day...

I just looked at him; he was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed...

Hamaguchi: Oh good morning Fukazawa!

I start looking on my right to see Hamaguchi with Beppu and Tanaka from the B-Class...

Yato: Yo...already ready huh?

He just nodded...

Hamaguchi: Yes... being late will probably penalize us as a whole. So we must be careful not to be late I think...

Yato: Yeah you're right...

I just grabbed my bag on the floor close to the bed and was about to get dressed up in the school sports uniform but...

Yato: It will be annoying to dress this week... hides my bandages and my scar on my stomach...but for now...

I just put on the jackets and turn around...

Yato: Okay everyone...

I just start walking towards the room's curtain to open them fully... Now the room was fully lit from the sunrise...

Yato: We should go leave now for the meeting place given by the school...

No one argued... even Komiya and Oda were already ready to leave...

They then all left the room one by one... Finally, there were only remaining me, Ryuuen, and Akito...

I couldn't talk with Akito but it was obvious that he was worried about Ryuuen... not that he was scared or anything like that... but more careful to be ready if Ryuuen try something...

Ryuuen probably noticed as well but without a word just left the room as well...

I waited a moment but Akito didn't say anything... I wouldn't force him to speak so I was about to leave as well but finally

Akito: Hey Yato you sure about him?

I just turn around and start looking at Akito with my usual nonchalant expression...

Yato: Ryuuen? Why I should be worried about him?

I noticed that my answer shocked him...

Akito: Well because...

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