Volume 3: End of the first day

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Chapter 3

Yato Pov:

The girl who asked to stay in our camp has short blue hair and that's was the first time I see her. She is either in Class C or B because I already saw the majority of the student of class A when I was with Kamuro one day. I approached her to talk to her...

Yato: Hmm this is the first time I see you, who are you?


Yato: Eh you ask to stay here but you don't even bother to answer when we talk to you...

Ibuki: Tsk fine... I'm Ibuki Mio of Class C...

Yato: Class C huh...

Yato: Haha great, I'm Fukazawa Yato By the way.

Ibuki: Ok

Yato: Holy shit this girl...

Yato: Say... you not here to sabotage our class or collect some info right?

Ibuki: Huh like I said to Hirata earlier I'm here because I get a kick out of my class camp and I just want a place to spend the week.

Yato: Oh I see now sorry I didn't know that you have already talked with Hirata about this. If Hirata said you could stay so be welcome to our camp Ibuki-san.

Ibuki: Huh so you won't doubt me anymore because Hirata trusts me? that's stupid...

Yato: No you are stupid if you really think that I trust you...

I take a naive expression to give credibility to what I'm going to say.

Yato: Yeah sure I going to trust you if Hirata said so! Anyway if you need something don't hesitate to ask Ibuki-san!

I start to walk away... the odds that what she says is almost zero... she seems to be the type of person with some temper... if what she said is true I do not imagine her stay on the island to avoid losing 30 points for her class...

Yato: So that's the class C huh... Interesting...




Hirata had gone to see Chabashira-Sensei for a while and he was finally back... But the look on his face...

Yato: Fuck what's now...

Hirata: Hey everyone I have bad news for the class...

Karuizawa: Eh what's happening Yosuke-kun?

Shinohara: Yeah what is the problem Hirata-kun?

Hirata: Well for the problem is about Kouenji, he complained about being in a poor physical condition and returned to the ship. Of course, since he became sick, 30 points have already been deducted to you all. It can't be helped. This is the rule. Kouenji is now retired and he has the obligation of being on the ship for 1 week, receiving medical treatment, and waiting for further orders...

Students: Eeeeeeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh????

Yato: HAHAHA fuck man I'm jealous... I too could have gone back to the ship if Horikita didn't recommend me as the leader... 

Yukimura: Don't kid around. Kouenji, that sucker!! What is he thinking?

Yato: Hoi Hoi does not scream, please...

Yukimura: Damn!! We've lost 130 points. Fuck it!

Yeah, we can't afford to lose more points... 

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