Volume 7: Old acquaintance

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov:





I was currently sitting on the floor of my room and leaning against the wall. The ''TAP noise'' in continue was the sound of my finger that was stamping on the floor.

I was sitting on the floor for already 3 hours and I didn't move from there since...There wasn't any other sound in my room aside from the TAP...

I meet this mysterious man yesterday after school and since this... I have been thinking way too much and have a bad feeling about all this...

We were currently on Saturday and we have a break from school today... It was a chance, to be honest. I was really not in a great mood... being obliged to go to school around all my classmates and potential enemies as Ryuuen was really not a great idea... Not that I feel menaced or anything like that by going to school in that state of mind... it would just have been annoying...Even more, dealing with her...

By her, I was talking about Kei... my ''girlfriend''. She has been trying to call me since yesterday but I just ignored her. I didn't want to deal with anything right now... anyway if she has a problem she just has to go ask Kiyo. I was acting like her boyfriend in front of the whole school but he was helping her in the shadow too...

I didn't have time for her or anyone else... no I seriously need to think about all that happened... this man from yesterday is a problem.

First off... This man was coming from the principal school building where the staff room, teacher room, and administration were...Basically, a place where he shouldn't be able to go since he wasn't working here...Well, I don't have any real proof that he is really not affiliated with this school. But from what I saw and the feeling that I had when talking with him... he doesn't seem to be working here in any way.

After he decided to talk about the school's functioning... so far there weren't any real problems with our discussion... aside from the fact that he seemed obsessed with the term genius... but it wasn't really shocking. He thought that this school wasn't doing a good job of creating some elites or genius...as the goal of this school... but I agreed with him on some points so...

But after this...the biggest problem appeared...

His knowledge about me and my past and current life...

He called me by my first name... 

He after talked about my dad Yukichi... by saying...

even dead, Yakichi continues to get in my way...

When he said this... I seriously lost my cold. It's rare but this man succeed. It's not something that I talk or think about often... no in fact I never think about this... but yeah my parents are deceased. It happened when I got 11 years old during a night in summer... I still remember... because this night is the moment that changed my life and a lot of things with me...

I suddenly start thinking about this and start looking at me bandage on my forearm...

Yato: Sighs...

Anyway... the real problem when he talked about my father Yukichi was the fact that he said... he continue to get in my way... Yukichi was a chief inspector, respected in his domain...

Yato: Respected huh...

Anyway, he was a true prodigy in his domain. He was doing his best for the japan and the justice he believed in...So why did this man says that my father continued to get in his way...

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