Volume 7 SS

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Ryuuen Kakeru: The guy named Baji Keisuke

Yato: Anyway... Farewell Ryuuen if it was the last time we were seeing each other... you would have made me laugh...

He seemed to totally lose interest in this conversation...or with me because he starts to ignore me...

I stayed there a moment to finally start walking away...

Ryuuen: ...

These guys... First Ayanakoji Kiyotaka. He planned and saw through my plan from the very beggings when I was thinking that I was playing with him...

Now this guy Fukazawa Yato... his gaze and what he said... they not normal these two...

Ryuuen: Baji Keisuke is dead...

It was shocking...I wasn't expecting that at all. Well, I didn't hear about him for a moment before coming into this school but I never thought of this...

These rumors about him were crazy... it said that he was the strongest delinquent... he was known by everyone...Instead of Yato that I never met before... I already met Baji in the past...

It happens in my second year of middle school...

2 year before

It was the start of my second year of middle school. On the first day of class, I take control of the majority of the delinquent in my class and the first-year students... after all, I was already known in the whole school and even in the schools around...

I succeed to make my name known among the delinquent... the name of Ryuuen Kakeru...

It was during the first week of the beginning of the school year when one of my guys who work for me came to see me in panic after the class ended...

Haruto: Ryuuen-san!

I was sitting at my desk when he suddenly start walking towards me...

Ryuuen: What? I already told you to not bother me...

I then start looking at him with a serious look to scare him but to my surprise, it doesn't affect him because he seemed already stressed by something...

Haruto: Sorry Ryuuen-san but I have a really bad news!!! He is here!! In this school!!!!

Ryuuen: He? 

Haruto just nodded while sweating 

Haruto: Yes! Baji Keisuke!!!!

My eyes widen when I hear this name...Baji Keisuke... the real one?

Ryuuen: What?! Where?

Haruto: He is in the 2-F class in the corridor!

Wait... Here?! In this school?! I then get up from my seat

Ryuuen: In the 2-F? he wasn't a year older than us?

Haruto just nodded again

Haruto: It seems that he fall back a year... and he had to change school soo he ended up in this school!

I just start to smirk...I can't let pass a chance like this...

Ryuuen: Hoi gathers everyone outside...We will see the rumors about him!

Hearing this, Haruto just seemed worried and start to sweat again...

Haruto: W-Wait you can't be serious Ryuuen-san... we are talking about...

I then start looking at him with a menacing gaze...

Ryuuen: Hoi did I ask for your thought Haruto?

He then suddenly seems scared...

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