Volume 8: Mixed Training Camp

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Horikita Manabu's Monolgue

There are some things people would find strange if they were to hear about it. The truth is, I didn't choose this school because I had something I wanted to carry out or anything. I had lived with the intent of becoming a talented person yet I had no particular destination in mind. Politician, doctor, researcher, I didn't aim for any of that.

For better or for worse, I've lived my life making sure to not stir anything up. I indifferently complete my assignments and spent my days that way. Being a' role model'. Being 'exemplary'. I believed that to be the right thing to do and never once questioned it. However, Nagumo Miyabi took one action after another as though to directly oppose me. A person who cuts their way through, that may how that man can be described. 

As a matter of fact, until I graduate, I had already given up on taking action. I had failed to make a friend I could say I trust from the bottom of my heart. I have yet to comprehend it. After 3 years, I've finally realized. My own' mistake' and the 'regret' it led to. And, that this is the 'beginning'.




Chapter 1

Yato Pov: 

Yato: Zzzzzzzz...

???: Hey Fukazawa...

Yato: Zzzzzzz...

???: Shh Fukazawa wake up...


Yato: Hmm?

I was sleeping but someone was calling me and suddenly tapped on my shoulder...

I slowly open my eyes to see Ishikawa sitting beside me, who seems embarrassed... I then look around to notice that everyone was looking at me. 

Chabashira: Sorry to distribute your sleep Fuakzawa but I need the attention of everyone...

Yato: Arghhhh yeah yeah...

We were currently on a bus. We left the school for a moment already so I decided to take a nap on the bus... but it seems that I just made a fool of myself...

Yato: Sighs...

But why were we on a bus since we were not supposed to leave school? Well, I don't have a  dam clue... The only thing I know is that we are not the only class who take a bus. Every other class from our year as well... and the thing that surprised me was that even the other school years took a bus like us to an unknown destination...

I just look at Chabashira-sensei's standing up in front of us on the bus... she probably woke me up for a reason...

Chabashira: I thought you lot might like to know where this bus is going and what we'll do then.

Yato: There we go... Yawns

Ike: Of course, we're curious about that. You're not going to tell me it's the uninhabited island again, are you?

I just look at Ike who asked this concerned about if we would live on another desert island after the first one at the start of the year...

The answer to his question should be no... because to my knowledge we need to take a boat to go to a desert island... and we are currently on a bus...

Chabashira: Looks like what happened on the uninhabited island is hard to forget for you lot since it's sticking around in your memory. But calm yourselves. An exam of that scale isn't something that can be held frequently. It means we're not cruel enough to force you into that now that summer's over for you lot. However, as you may have already inferred, a new special exam will be held. Your living standards will be extremely high compared to the uninhabited island.

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