Volume 4.5: Gift

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Chapter 1

Yato Pov:

The summer vacation... all the students are happy to be this time of the year. We have about a bit more than a month for our summer break... Well, it was before that the school organized a cruise for us, students of the first year, to spend a week on a desert island with turns out to be a special exam in this school. Just after this unexpected exam, the school organizes another special exam on our way back to the school. Now that we were back to the campus and the school was not going to plan any more surprise exams... the students of the first year officially started their summer vacations. 

I wondered if the students of the other years had also experienced something similar to us with those special exams during the start of the summer vacations... After all, they were in the completion for the A-Class too. But in the end, I wouldn't have the answer and I won't look for it either... it doesn't really change something for me...

Yato: Summer vacation huh...

I was currently sitting on my bed looking at the wall... 

Yato: God I'm bored...

Usually, when it is time for the summer vacation everyone is excited and tries to enjoy it as much as possible. But for me... I lost this sensation... after all, summer vacation didn't mean a lot to me anymore. When I was twelve years old, I stopped going to middle school after this ''incident'' that happen in my life... That's was this moment that my life changed drastically. Then after I met Mori, Dazai, Chuuya, and the others who helped me... no... it's much more than helping what they've done to me. 

But anyway...Normally I wouldn't be so bored. I always had something to do when I was outside this school. Even when what happened in my life was shit... I always managed to get out and keep moving forward...

Yato: Sighs... if he would be there I would not be bored...

Trying to fight boredom I take my phone who was on my nightstand and open the app of the school. I decided to take a look at my private points.

PP: 3 188 945

Yato: Already 3 million ehh...

We were now in august, so I received my points for the month from my contracts. In addition, I had won 500k in the last exam because we obtained the first outcome for the Dragon group. But I gave 200k to Karuizawa after the story with Manabe and Kiyo. 

Yato: That's sucks...

I could have obtained 20 million by the end of the year and if Chabashira didn't see what I was trying to do I could just buy a ticket to a class in the third year and skip two years... But now she told me that it was the cost was 800 million... it's was too much. I could' never obtain this amount of points by the end of the year. And if I ever manage to get it, I would have to take control of the entire school...

Yato: It's a failure...

I then quit the page where it shows my private point and tape on my screen to see the class point instead...

Class Points 

A-Class: 924

B-Class: 803

C-Class: 592

D-Class: 419

Yato: ...

Ryuuen has succeeded his plan at 100%. Now the gap between all the classes is reduced. I haven't spoken to Horikita since the night of the results but knowing her she probably doesn't see things like that. I let her lose face to Ryuuen for several reasons. First I wanted Ryuuen to win, he has taken care of the A-Class all by himself. I didn't want to deal it with them myself since Sakayanagi believed she could use me... well in the end she obtained what she wanted but I didn't give her. And then the second reason if I didn't target Ryuuen's class, it was because of Horikita herself. Kiyo thinks probably the same thing as me but she really needs to make some progress. She has the potential but for the moment she is behind the other class leader. This is the best time to make her understand her flaws, we are not even at the half of the first year after all. So her defeats now will make her stronger in the future...

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