Volume 8: Rival

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Chapter 6

Yato Pov

Day 7 of the exam

We were currently outside with my group eating our breakfast. This morning Iwai-senpai got up again to make breakfast for us because it was supposed to be our turn but he accepted my deal so his group replaced us for this task.

I didn't provoke him this morning since I already got want I wanted and he was already sure that we would fail and that he would win 500 000 privates points...

I can't wait to see his face when we will end up in the top three...

But for now...

Yato: Hey I would like a moment from all of you...

I said this to the people in my group show are currently eating and talking before the start of the day...

Akito: Yeah sure what's the problem?

Everyone at the table starts looking at me... Aside from Ryuuen who was on the other side and didn't seem too concerned about this.

Yato: Well I would like to talk about the marathon on the last day... Since we are only 10 for the relay instead of 15 we need to think carefully about each person's position in the group.

Hamaguchi: I see...Since The long-distance relay will be about 18 kilometers. That would mean each person must run for at least a minimum of 1.2 kilometers in a group of 15 people...

Ishikawa: But since we are only 10...

Everyone understood what I was trying to point out...

Hamaguchi: We need to run 1,8 kilometers instead...

Yato: You can see it like this, but I saw this as an advantage the fact we are only 10, Hamaguchi...

Komiya: In what is supposed to be an advantage if we are less than the others?

Komiya didn't seem to understand but Haguchi who seemed worried about threw the fact that we were less than the other group suddenly widens his eyes as if he understood...

Hamaguchi: No Fuakazawa is right...

Yato: Komiya look at our group... We are probably the best group regarding physical abilities... and we will exploit this force!

Akito: I see...If I'm right the school force us to at least run 1,2 kilometers, right?

Hamaguchi just nodded...

Hamaguchi: Indeed... that would mean we have 6 kilometers that we can give to our best runners.

Yato: Exactly... So I will tell you my plan in would you give me your thought on it. 

Everyone just nodded and I noticed that Ryuuen started looking at me...

Yato: So basically my plan would be to make a run in first position Hamaguchi in the first position with 1,2 kilometers...not more. I think it's fair to say that it's not your force and that's why I would prefer if you focus more on the academic exam instead... how does it sound to everyone?

Akito: I think it's the best way of preceding. After all, Hamaguchi will play a bigger role in the other part of the exam so it's totally fair for me!

Komiya: I agree with Miyake... This exam is not bothering me at all, so if I can run more for the success of this group, it will not bother me!

Hamaguchi: Wow... thank you, everyone! I will do my best in my specialty then!

The chemistry was really good after a whole week... everyone understood their flaws and strength and accepted that they need to help each other succeed.

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