Volume 2: Preparation

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Chapter 2

Yato pov:

It was now 8:00 p.m., and I received a notification on my phone. It was quite rare, so I already knew that my plan had worked. If my information is correct, this dude's name is Ichizaki Daichi. It seems like he is a better version of Sudo.

Ishizaki: [ Who are you? What do you want? ]

Yato: Perfect, he found the paper with the email I wrote on it.

I created an anonymous email to be able to communicate with him without revealing my identity...

Yato: [ Just a random guy who knows what has happened in the special building with Sudo and two of your friends. Before I tell you what I want, do you understand the rule I wrote on the paper I gave you? ]

Ishizaki: [ Yeah, yeah... I must not tell anyone about this conversation otherwise I am in trouble... ]

Perfect, as long as he understands the danger in which he is it will be easy.

Ishizaki: [ So what do you want from me? Are you going to denounce us? And how do I know that this is not a bluff, I need proof! ]

Yato: [ Woah haha calm down haha, one thing at a time. Here your proof ]

I send the video of them who was provoking Sudo, we saw that it was not Sudo who started the fight but them.

Ishizaki: [ What do you want? you are going to denounce us right? ]

Yato: [ haha don't worry about that, it's not in my plan. but their one things I want you to do for me ]

Yato: [ During the trial about the incident I want you to record the conversation with your phone. That's all, simple right?. But if you talk about anything about this to anyone, you can take your stuff and say goodbye to this school. Understand? ]

Ishizaki: ...

He didn't answer me immediately after that he read my message.

Yato: [ What's happening?? You're scared haha. I want your answer now ]

Ishizaki [ Okay. I do as you say just don't share this video with this school, please. ]

Yato: [ No need to worry. As long you do as I said you will be safe. Anyway, I want the record as soon as the trial is over. ]

I close my phone and put it on my table.

Good, the first step is done. Now I'll be able to know what happened during the trial, I don't want to be present during it because I want to remain as discreet as possible. Now my current problem...

Yato: Sakura...

Starting from the beginning, she was there during the fight between Sudo and the guys from C-class. But why she was there? What her is she doing in that place? If I remember correctly, she had her camera and she was dressed in clothes that were not the school uniform... also she is very attached to her camera when I saw her reaction when she broke it...

I take my phone off the table and start searching on the internet.

Yato: Maybe she takes photos of herself and puts them on the internet...

I started to believe more and more in my theory. I got that feeling that I had already seen Sakura somewhere else. If I can find anything that will be useful to me in any way.

After 40 minutes that I was looking for, I find a blog on which a girl posts pictures of her. Her name was Shizuku and I looked at the photos and the room where she takes the photos was the dormitory so I was sure now, it confirmed that it was indeed Sakura. 

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