Volume 4: Scheme

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Chapter 4

Yato Pov:

[???] Can we meet now?

Yato: Yeah sure, Where?

[???]: At the theater at the back of the boat. I'm waiting for you there.

Yato: I'm there in 5 minutes.

I hung up the call and put back my phone in my pocket. I had just come out of the restaurant where that I had eaten with Karuizawa. I was not too far from the theater, so it wasn't going to take too long to get there. 

It has been a while since I talk to the person who just called me... I was wondering why she wanted to meet me now.

After having walked to the theater. I saw the person I was coming to see a little further. I immediately recognized her because of her long purple hair...

Yato: Yo Kamuro, it's been a while!

Hearing the sound of my voice she turned around to face me. 

Kamuro: Hey, yes the last time we saw each other was during the incident between your class and the C-Class...

Yato: Yeah with all the special exams of the school this makes communication between students in others classes more difficult I guess. Anyway, how you and Hashimoto doing?

Kamuro: We are all good......

Her answer... in fact not just her cold answer... her attitude is not as usual... Well, now I think I know the reason behind this...

Yato: You're mad at me Kamuro?

My questions seemed to have surprised her... not only my question but the fact that I asked this question with a smirk on my face probably...

Kamuro: Huh? Well... I want to know something...

Yato: I'm listening to you 

After a few seconds that she seemed to think about the words that she was going to say...

Kamuro: It's you who made the contract with Katsuragi right?

This is indeed what I thought on why she was not in the best mood... she wanted to know if it was me who made the contract with her class... After all, she needs to give me 15k per month...

Yato: Eh what's made you think that?

I did not try to hide this at all... No, I just wanted to see why she think it was me...

Kamuro: Well, it's not me who thought about it first. It was Hashimoto... He told me that he warned you about the trap that Katsuragi had set up... So we think that you took advantage of it...

Yato: We huh... 

Yato: I will not lie to you Kamuro. Yes, I did take advantage of it. Does that bother you? I could still go see Katsuragi and ask him to change the contract and make sure that you're the only one who doesn't have to give me 15k of your points per month.  Buuuut...

In reality, I don't really care if she is the only one in her class who doesn't give me the 15k points anymore. But I decided to tease her...

Yato: You know... If Katsuragi knows that you are the only one who doesn't have to give me some of your points... I really wonder what he going to think about this...

Her facial expression changed when she heard that...

Kamuro: What! No no no no everything except that!

Ouch... she just hurt my pride... but...

Kamuro: I... just wanted to make sure it was you... that's all... 

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