Volume 3: Deal and Betrayal

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Chapter 5

Yato Pov: 

After I left Horikita and Ayanakoji, I finally came back to the camp. I did not go to see the camp of A-class because I wanted to rest before tonight. But most importantly, I will need to reclaim our spot at the camp.

Hirata noticed my return and I wave to him to come to see me.

Hirata: Hey Fukazawa-kun you back, you are not with Horikita-san and Ayanakoji-kun?

Yato: Nah I was tired to walk in the forest and I will need to claim the spot soon so I let them continue without me.

Hirata: Oh I see, and about the spot how did you plan to claim it?

Yato: Yeah that's the thing, with Ibuki around we need to be careful even if you trust her.

Hirata: Hm Yeah I think you're right Fukazawa-kun.

Yato: Great, so I think we should send Ibuki outside of the camp with someone while we claim the spot.

Hirata: Okay and who do you think we should send with Ibuki?

Yato: Hmm well probably Kushida.

Hirata: Yeah I thought of the same person too.

Yato: Good now that is settled, It will be great if you can go ask Kushida about that.

Hirata: Yeah sure no problem, Fukazawa-kun!

Yato: Oh last thing, we should wait that Horikita and Ayanakoji to come back before we claim the spot and send Ibuki outside the camp.

Hirata: Oh okay but why?

Yato: Eh just as a precaution.

If she left and Horikita is there, this will help me to make sure that she does not suspect that I am the leader... If she really had a radio and report to Ryuuen about that, he will suspect Horikita to be the leader too...

Hirata: Okay I will tell Kushida about this and we will wait that Horikita and Ayanakoji to be back.

Yato: Good, Thanks Hirata.

Hirata left and I go sit down next to a tree to wait for Horikita and Ayanakoji.

After 5 minutes they were finally back... the two of them approached me.

Yato: Yo did you find anything useful on the A-class?

Horikita: Not really their camp is in a cave but we couldn't see inside.

Yato: Ehh why?

Ayanakoji: They have put a cloth in front of the entrance to block the view.

Yato: Okay??? So because of that, you didn't check inside? No rule forbidden that were can not go to the camp of other class.

Ayanakoji: It's because their leader, Katsuragi-san, came and told us the if we touch their material he would report it to the school as an obstructive act toward another class.

Yato: Katsuragi Eh... 

So then he is the class leader of the A-class... And what 's about Sakanagi then?... She is probably the student who didn't take part in this exam... because the time I saw her she walked with a cane so she must have some health problem... But that's would mean that their class has two leaders?

Horikita: Anyway, you have no right to blame us. If you wanted more information you just had to come with us.

I made an annoying expression...

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