Missing Piece

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Jack asks Pitch to give him a nightmare because he feels like something is missing inside of him. What will Aster and Pitch do to help?


Jack sat on the hill of the little world that had been created for them as he watched the sun go down. There was something itching at the back of his brain, something he was forgetting. It didn't seem to be that important but it was big enough he couldn't stop thinking about it. He had asked for some dream sand last night but only dreamed of being back home. He needed something stronger.

"Jackson." He jumped at the voice from beside him to find Pitch looking at him with an unimpressed look. The signature raised eyebrow was facing him and he felt his face get hot from embarrassment. He had been zoned out that he didn't notice the shadow walking up. The man sat next to him just sat there as they both watched the sun setting.

Jack's brain was itching to know what was bothering him so bad but he couldn't reach it. It felt like he was missing a piece of him that was important, something that made him want to do something to bring it back. There was nothing Tooth could do for him because his memory tube wasn't here. A nightmare horse sat next to him as the sand reacted to his emotions.

The sand...

"Pitch, I need your help." Pitch turned to the boy with a confused face as he asked him. The boy was looking at him with bright eyes as he twisted his fingers in the hoodie. He took in Jack's form before answering. He sat in an uncomfortable manor with his eyes moving everywhere but him. It made him wonder exactly was going on.

"What's going on, Jackson?" Jack bit his lip before turning to the glow of the sun being gone. He turned to Pitch and hoped that he would do it. It was a horrible idea that this was happening but he needed to do it.

"I need you to give me a nightmare."

Pitch blinked once, twice, and a third time before finally processing what the boy said. Jack wanted a nightmare? He curled up his nose ready to say no but didn't have the chance as Jack stopped him by grabbing his coat.

"Pitch, please. There's something going on and I feel like I'm missing a part of my brain and it's killing me. I can't think of anything else to help me and a nightmare...it could bring it out. So, please, please, help me"

Pitch swallowed as he saw the trouble behind Jack's eyes. He squeezed his own fists before nodding. It took him a second before he made a finally decision, he wasn't going to give Jack a nightmare. There was something else he could do that would give Jack what he needed to find the piece of him that was missing. Pitch knew what it was like to feel like he was missing something inside of him.

"I won't give you a nightma-"


"No, listen Jackson. I won't be giving you a normal nightmare. It's called a walking nightmare. It will go to the biggest part of the brain that you were looking for. But I cannot do it here, we have to go somewhere comfortable."


"Why did I have to be somewhere comfortable?" Jack asked as he looked around one of the secluded areas of the world they had been put in.

"Because Jack, a walking nightmare isn't normal. You'll still be awake just in a trance like state. You'll be able to use your powers and if the thing becomes bad enough, you'll physically try to deal with whatever you see. I brought you here so there is no risk of you lashing out towards the house or anyone."

Jack was wide eyed in front of him as he explained. If he wanted to find something deep inside him, a normal nightmare wouldn't work. Pitch did not want to do this but he knew Jack would go and try something else which could be worse.

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