Better For You

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Sorry it took me so long to get to your request but I had to post the past chapter about Ares and Aster to finish yours. A request from Xaria16 . A bonding moment between Aster and Ares. But it's more than that. They are going to become fixed. 


"I could honestly careless what you think, you could go home right now and I wouldn't care." 

"Aster!" Eleanor glared at her son as him and Ares had started back up again. It was in the Pole of all places. In front of everyone. She glanced at Jack who looked upset but was trying to hide it. Lily was just shaking her head while keeping her eyes on the papers Natasha gave her. 

Eleanor couldn't help but look over at the other people in the room as they were just watching it all unfold. She knew some of the people here had never seen Aster act out like he was but then again no one had ever seen him around his father for long amounts of time. They all were tense around them as the two had started an alpha staring match once again. 

"Uh, what's happening?" Jack looked at Callahan who was glancing between the two. Jack just pinched the bridge of his nose as he tried to ignore everything that was going on. He thought with them apologizing to each other that things would be better. He thought wrong. Jack couldn't help but turn his worry into anger. Something needed to be done.

He looked over at Pitch who was just watching with a blank face. The shadow was used to this as he was the one who talked Ares through his sadness for what he did to Aster and he was also the one to talk Aster back into coming home for dinner. This was not knew for him to see. He wasn't aware of anything that could change between them, nothing that could change what happened. 

Pitch felt eyes on him as he turned to find Jack staring daggers into his head. He raised an eyebrow in the boys direction but was met with an even bigger glare as Jack focused in on him even more. He couldn't help but tense a little when Jack's bright blue eyes went dark. The dark blue reflected that Jack was definitely not happy. It was a new trait Jack had since he got a power up it seemed like. 

He watched the ice spread from Jack's finger tips on to the table as the boy tapped his fingers against it. Pitch felt Callahan's slight fear as the fairy noticed Jack loosing himself to his emotions. 

"I need to talk to you, Pitch." Jack announced. Everyone turned to look at him but he had already jumped up, making the chair scoot back far enough to cause a scene. He noticed Ares looking at him in concern from the other side of the room before he stood up. Leave it to Jack to make a scene anymore. He seemed to be having a lot of loss of control lately. 

Jack turned around to meet the taller man in the hallway as Pitch looked down at him. They were complete opposites staring at each other, except instead of the shorter one being afraid it was the taller one. Pitch crossed his arms as he made sure to give the boy patience. He was expecting a blow up instead he only got Jack glaring up at him. 

"You are going to do something. Eleanor and Lily only scold them for acting out, Ridley and Liam can't do anything, so that leaves you. Leaves you and Emily. So you and her are going to do something. Because I am tired of seeing them act like that. Do something before I do." 

Pitch watched Jack walk before he could say anything. He took a deep breath before looking back into the room to see them still staring at each other. What could he do to get them both in the same small space so they could hash whatever it is out? 


The Burrow and Warren were quite as everyone was focused on tasks in the gardens and beginning to take part in very early Easter preparations. Lily had made the idea of preparing for Easter very early so that it wouldn't be so stressful coming close to time for the holiday and so Bunny could actually enjoy his holiday. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now