Opposite Lovers

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A request from Angie04005 , here is some more Death x Mother Nature content. A simple sweet chapter with small little moments. I wanted so badly to do a song with these two but I just couldn't find the right one despite the ideas from you guys nothing to felt right with them. 


"Did you know me and Jack were the ones to cover Pitch's lair in glitter?" Death tried to hide his small smile as Seraphina tried to get him to talk. He had to deal with the death of many as a car pile up had happened on a highway. A school bus full of kids going on a field trip. It didn't used to affect him like this until he became attached to Jack. 

"I mean it was a terrifying amount. I used to think Jack's pranks were just small until I was up close and personal with his planning. It's scary how his brain works." Death ran a hand over his mouth before glancing over at her. She was moving her hand through the air as the leaves followed her movements. 

He was caught up in watching her hands. They were easy to get lost in as she moved them through the air with a type of grace that would only come from her. He sighed before leaning back against the ground. The sky was clear, only the stars filling the sky. He looked forward to New Moon nights when Manny couldn't see. 

He flinched as a leaf lightly brushed across his forehead. He looked up to find Sera leaning over his head with a small one, a smile covering her face. He couldn't help but smile back as she pressed a light kiss to his forehead before just leaning her own to touch his. This was his favorite thing about Mother Nature. 

She didn't need an explanation to understand him. 


"Darling, you're hogging all the covers." She groaned before turning deeper into the covers. She rarely got sleep being who she was. She felt someone lay down beside her before a light touch brushed through her hair. The light she was prepared to see blinding her wasn't there as she opened her eyes. Her window had been closed. 

She turned to find Death sitting against the headboard while lightly brushing her hair with his fingers. 

"What, Death?" She was hoping her attitude would get him to go away, it worked with everyone else. All he did was smile before getting more comfortable in her bed. No one other than her had ever been in her bed, except now him. He would randomly show up with both of their schedules being so messed up. 

"I need sleep too, am I not allowed?" She rolled her eyes before turning away from him. He had a quite laugh when she shoved her head under a pillow. Her body slowly relaxed as sleep went to pull her under. She ignored the feeling of him settling behind her, an arm going over her waist. She huffed before turning over to cuddle against him. 

"This is not cuddling. We aren't cuddling people." 

"Of course not, we would never show any type of affection to each other at all." She ignored his hand that was lightly massaging her neck as she slowly went back to sleep. 



"Seraphina, run!" She cursed before letting the wind take her into the sky, she had no weapons on her so she needed sky advantage. Her and Pitch had finally been spending time together but a rogue nightmare just had to ruin it. Pitch was to caught up in the mindset that she was a little girl that he wasn't letting her fight. She went to leave but a strand wrapped around her ankle.

She heard Pitch cry out for her but it wasn't like she could do anything. She landed on the ground, ready for it to tear into her but instead she heard it cry out. Pitch to the rescue. She turned to find him still fighting another one which made her frown, then who was? 

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