He's Mad

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Don't worry, I have seen all of you guys requests! This is the beginning of all of them. I know who requested them and I know that you guys know of course what you requested so I'm going to just write it and then at the end I'll credit who commented on it or gave the idea. 

For now, what happens when someone makes Pitch mad? And what happens when he teams up another normally calm person?


"Pitch, put him down." 

"Why? He deserves this." Ares looked between Pitch and the male. His hand twitched to grab his weapons and go against the shadow to protect one of his tribe members but he couldn't. There were thorn bushes surrounding everyone other than the three of them. Archie had lost it.

"He will be dealt with Pitch but not like this, don't do it like this. You've come so far." He saw the way everyone was watching in the Warren. Pitch had nightmare sand wrapped around Dale's wrists and throat, holding him in place. Ares swallowed down another emotion as Archie's eyes glowed brighter the thorns growing higher around them, a vine going in between him and Pitch.

"Doesn't matter how far I've come if someone hurts Jack. My snowflake . A lot of things keep going wrong here with people thinking they can put a hand on him. It's time someone teaches them a lesson." Ares sucked in a breath as he heard it. The deeper tone that wasn't the Pitch from today. 


2 Hours Earlier

"Is this his punishment or something?"

"Don't ask me, if I could tell you how Bunny's mind works I'd probably slam my head into a wall." 

Marcus looked over at Jack as he laughed at the statement. Jack and him were helping pull the weeds in the garden after the summer spirit spending the night. There was a rule now that any of them who stayed over had to help with chores the next day. It was a weird thing that Jack was still so weak but it wasn't worrying. He had been through a lot. 

They were helping some male Pooka's working in the big fields while Bunny worked on some new ideas with Pitch on working with the rogue nightmare problems. Marcus was noticing that one pooka seemed to have a problem with them here and it made him mad. He wanted to tell the guy that Jack had been here first, not him, but that would be disrespectful. 

"Hey, Jackie. Doing good!" Jack smiled as Charlie patted his head, walking past him. He nudged Marcus to get him from glaring at Dale. He knew the chocolate colored pooka didn't like him. He wasn't sure why but it was obvious. He didn't tell Bunny about it because there really wasn't anything that could be done. 

They had been working all day in the fields. They couldn't really leave until it was done, Marcus wanted to but Jack told him if they get it all done now then they wouldn't have to come back. He heard someone come up behind them as he smiled. 

"Need some help, losers?" He saw Marcus get shoved as Archie kneeled down beside him, bumping into his shoulder. The three of them laughed as they got back to work. There was still half a plot to do before any of them could leave and it was good that Archie had shown up or else they'd be out there for hours. 

"Humans and Pooka's don't mix, we never did. Trusting them was what got us all killed in the first place with Pitch. When is Chief Ares going to learn not to trust a human?"

"It's not Ares that keeps bringing them around. It's the boy, we've never had human kits in our tribe and now they infest everything. Don't know why Aster and Lily just make a kit of their own that fits with us." 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now