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If you like the little prompts & conversations, comment on the title name. These are parts taken out of vault chapters that I want to see which you guys would want to see first. It's going to be frustrating because it will only be a few sentences of the prompt: some sad, some very sad, some happy, some very fluffy, some etc. 

So with that being said, here is random prompts for ideas that I'm asking you guys if you would want the chapters of soon. 


the book

Jack looked down at the key ring in his hand as his plan was more into motion than it's ever been. He looked up to Tinsel with a smile. 

"This is it, little guy. We get to see where this door finally leads. Maybe we can figure out where you really came from." Tinsel nodded brightly as Jack walked up to the door, unlocking the three locks. They walked in to find the room in darkness. It was disappointing but Jack came prepared as he brought out the large flashlight he borrowed from North's shop. He would take it back of course. 

The light lit up the room as both of them let their jaws drop. Everything looked old, like 18th century old. Older than Jack. He didn't really know what to do as he felt like he had been taken back to the past. 

"AH, look Tinsel! A book with elf language on it. This has got to be it! I know you don't speak it but it's got to be it. Let's see what's inside." The two walked up as both of them reached for the book. Tinsel jumped on Jack's arm as he helped open the large book, a glow coming from the pages. It didn't go down for almost a minute before everything went back to normal. 

Tinsel and Jack looked at each other in shock. 

"Oh man this is bad." 



"Andy, you have to calm down." 

"Calm down, calm down! REALLY!" 

"It's fine, it's just a big...mess." 


"We can fix it." 

"I did not think you could get any dumber than you already are but once again, I've been proven wrong." 



No one could move. It was hard to comprehend what was really happening at this point. Everything was going so good this morning and now it was all...gone. 

"You can't do this. You can't leave, it's-  it's against the rules. You're not allowed to do this!" They were shaking him. No one could move to stop them because they knew they would lash out, hurting someone that didn't deserve it. It hurt them to watch. 

"You have to wake up...please. I can't do this without you!" 

He watched from where he stood as a part of him hurt. He never really thought something like this would hurt him like it was but here he stood, in pain. This was worse than any other pain he had felt in his long life. He wasn't really sure what to do in this moment. No one did. 

He was going. Soon, he would be...gone. 



Ares had a paw over his mouth as he tried to fix his smile that was being hidden. He knew his friend could see his eyes squinting in the corners to keep from laughing. The dark glare from the shadow was enough to break the spell. He laughed, hands on the knees, bending over laughing. It was only when he was done did he start talking. 

Rise of the Guardians One-Shots pt.2Where stories live. Discover now