Singing & Sick

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some moment in the past

There were certain days that Archie loved with everything in him. One of those days was the beginning of Spring. The other days? The other days he loved was the days Jack accepted affection. He never tested those days, just letting Jack hug him or hold him if that was the case. His lover was still learning how to accept his touch but on these days? He fully relaxed and asked no questions.

Archie looked up from his position on Jack's lap. His head laid on the cold legs as one of Jack's hands ran through his hair while he read a book with the other. He glanced over at Elliot who was resting beside them with a coloring book. He smiled at the little kit who kept glancing at Jack as he tried to draw them. Elliot had taken a love to drawing.

"Hey Jack! Why don't you ever sing anymore?" He blinked over at Nick. Jack could sing? He looked back at Jack to find him blushing slightly but glaring at Nick for bringing it up. He clenched his jaw as he felt the hand in his hair stop and tense, a sign affection time was about to be up because attention was on them.

He looked over to find the whole Pole looking over at them. He saw Bunny glaring at the back of Nick's head which gave him peace knowing that someone else was annoyed too. Jack sighed before going back to running his hand through his hair. Archie relaxed when he felt Jack relax. He glanced over to see Andy scolding Nick for bringing it up.

He waited until everyone was looking away before talking to him quietly.

"You sing?" Jack looked down at him. He could see the hesitance behind Jack's eyes to say anything. He couldn't help but close his eyes when Jack ran his nails over the back of his neck. He knew the Winter boy was trying to distract him.

"Not gonna work, Jack." He smiled as the other rolled his eyes. He felt the book lay on his arm as Jack got his words together. He watched Jack finally figure out what he wanted to say.

"I did use to sing for the village, for Emma. Sometimes with Nick and Andy. I've sang a few times near the Guardians but I haven't sang in a while. I haven't wanted to." Archie opened his mouth to say something but Jack turned back to the book before he could get anything out. He waited a few minutes to enjoy the head scratches before placing a hand on Jack's book.

They locked eyes as he tried to show all his emotions in one look. He wanted to hear Jack's voice. He saw the way Jack's blue eyes changed colors for his emotions. It varied through deep blue for sad and the normal blue for happy. He wrapped his pinky around Jack's to keep him grounded, to keep him from going to far into his head.

"Will you sing for me one day?" He tightened the grip on Jack's pinky because he could see the wall coming up around his emotions. He begged him through his eyes.

"One day." Archie took that as a win. He watched Jack go back to his book before he felt a little nose at his hair. He tilted his head back to see Elliot leaning over his head. He brought his hand up, placing one on the kit's head in a sign of affection. He smiled as Elliot bumped noses with him. He raised an eyebrow when the little one leaned down right beside his ear.

"He sings to me. It'll come in moments you won't expect. He won't sing when you ask him to." Archie waited for Elliot to say something else but Jack's hand thumped the back of the kit's head to get him to stop talking. He smiled as the little one went back to his coloring. He sighed before closing his eyes into the touch. 

Jack would sing to him one day. 


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